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Yoga Blog Archive / pag 15

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:: Learn Kundalini Yoga
"Now you have the chance to learn about the basics of Kundalini Yoga, the most powerful and fastest acting yoga known, and no matter where in the world you may be. This trail-blazing course for beginners has been specially designed and produced by our Program Director, leading author and teacher Gururattan Kaur Khalsa, Ph.D."
[ Nov/24/2003 ]

:: Higher Consciousness
"Higher consciousness is real — it is not a fantasy. If you come out of a supposed deep meditation without improved character, greater wisdom, and greater love for all mankind, you can be certain you did not experience higher consciousness while you were in your meditative state."
[ Nov/24/2003 ]

:: Essential Siddha Yoga
"Honor your Self,
Worship your Self,
Meditate on your Self,
God dwells within you as you."
[ Nov/23/2003 ]

:: Insight From Injury
"If the practice of hatha yoga was meant to heal, why are so many yogis getting hurt?"
[ Nov/23/2003 ]

:: Bharadvajasana (Bharadvaja's Twist)
"This gentle twist is a tonic for the spine and the abdominal organs.
Bharadvajasana(bah-ROD-va-JAHS-anna),Bharadvaja = one of seven legendary seers, credited with composing the hymns collected in the Vedas."

[ Nov/22/2003 ]

:: Love Your Body
"All the religions have been teaching you to fight against nature. Whatsoever is natural is condemned. The religions say that you have to manage to do something unnatural, only then can you get out of the imprisonment of biology, physiology, psychology, all the walls that surround you. But if you go on in harmony with your body, with your mind, with your heart, then the religions say you will never be able to go beyond you. That's where I oppose all the religions. They have put a poisonous seed in your being, so you live in the body, but you don't love your body."
[ Nov/22/2003 ]

:: Meditation Is Mutation
The new fully automatic airplane was making its first cross-country flight. A recorded announcement said, "This is the first all-automatic jet. There is no pilot, no crew. Press a button and we take off. Press another button and dinner is served. Press another button and we land. Nothing can go wrong... can go wrong... can go wrong... can go wrong...."
[ Nov/21/2003 ]

:: Turning to yoga to combat lifestyle diseases
"We usually associate yoga with religion and spirituality. But it also helps in fighting modern-day diseases. That was our focus for the camp," said Mayur Patel of the diabetes centre.
[ Nov/21/2003 ]

:: A Man Of Art And A Man Of Yoga
"Ever since I read the book on yoga at the age of 13, I have been fascinated by it and even today I practice it as it is immensely helpful. My guru is Shibanand Lahiri whom I met during my visit to India," he said.
Kalki who loves the flute and "specially the Krishna flute" carries the instrument wherever he goes and showed it to the correspondents at the reception hosted by Indian Ambassador to Bulgaria Dinkar Khullar in honour of Dr Kalam and attended by Bulgarian President Georgi Parvanov and Prime Minister Simeon Saxe Coburg Gotha.
[ Nov/20/2003 ]

:: Wonderful News!
"The Chief Minister of Manipur Okram Ibobi has categorically expressed his desire to introduce yoga physique as an optional subject in the educational institutions of the state particularly in the schools.
Ibobi while speaking at the inaugural function of the three day 8th national yoga physique championship here at the 'Kangshang' at the Khuman Lampak sports complex on Monday felt that introduction of yoga physique in the schools would help in developing the physical, mental and spiritual activities to the young students."

[ Nov/20/2003 ]

:: Laughing Meditation
When you laugh, laugh through your whole body -- that's the point to be understood. You can laugh only with the lips, you can laugh with the throat; that is not going to be very deep.
[ Nov/19/2003 ]

:: Save Your Neck
Judging from the complaints of my physical therapy clients, chronic neck tension is a modern American epidemic. Even the more benign consequences—the painful crick in your neck, the dull headache radiating from the back of your skull—can be mighty annoying. The more serious ones, like pinched nerves, arthritis, and damaged discs, can be debilitating. Fortunately, yoga can do wonders for neck problems while simultaneously teaching safer, healthier posture habits.
[ Nov/19/2003 ]

:: Glimpses of a Golden Childhood
" Okay. The first words that Ajit Saraswati uttered to me last night were, "Osho, I never expected that I would ever make it." Of course those who were present thought he was talking about coming to live in the ashram. And that too is in a way true, relevant, because I remember the first day he came to see me twenty years ago. He had had to ask permission from his wife just to see me for a few minutes. So those who were present must have understood, naturally, that he had never expected to move in, leaving his wife and children and a very good business. Renouncing all, just to be here with me... in a true sense of renunciation. But that was not what he meant, and I understood."
[ Nov/18/2003 ]

:: Yoga Journal Guides
BERKELEY, Calif., Nov. 18 /PRNewswire/ -- Yoga Journal has released the first in a new video and DVD series to help yoga students practice at home.
"Yoga Journal's Yoga Step-by-Step(TM): The Total Guide to Beginning Your Home Practice" stars acclaimed yoga teacher Natasha Rizopoulos, and is designed for beginners as well as more advanced practitioners. A sample can be viewed, and the video and DVD can be ordered at www.yogajournal.com/video.

[ Nov/18/2003 ]

:: Indra Devi
Indra Devi, or Mataji, was often called "The First Lady of Yoga." In 1937, Krishnamacharya admitted her into his school—making her the first woman chela (pupil) and the first Western woman ever at an Indian ashram—and personally supervised her asana and pranayama training. Towards the end of the year he told her that she must teach.
[ Nov/17/2003 ]

:: Well-Deserved Improving Reputation
"Western yoga doctors are already prescribing yoga and support it," Payne said. "The more we do it, the more they see it helps."
Psychotherapist Kaye Estell is also a yoga instructor and recommends the practice to many of her patients.

[ Nov/17/2003 ]

:: Why Yoga?
When you think of yoga, visions of a skinny guy twisting himself into a pretzel probably come to mind. But if you're expecting or just gave birth, contorting your body probably isn't a priority. (Pregnancy and childbirth provide enough shape-shifting for most of us!) Don't worry -- this 5,000-year-old collection of breathing and moving exercises that strengthens the entire body and soothes the spirit is perfect for everyone -- even pregnant women and new moms!
[ Nov/16/2003 ]

:: Allergy Antidote
Is it really possible? Let's see...
At least 35.9 million Americans annually are plagued by seasonal allergic rhinitis, according to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology. And the number of sufferers has doubled in the last 20 years, due to factors such as environmental pollution, poor diet, and increased stress, which make our immune, nervous, and respiratory systems hypersensitive.
[ Nov/16/2003 ]

:: Silence
We all know silence is more than closed lips. The constant chattering of the mind also has to be stilled until there is an inner silence. It's a long and hard process to practise. But the reward is our energy slowly gathers when our mind is silent. The silent mind reflects things accurately, without distortion, and introspection and self-observation can easily take place.
[ Nov/15/2003 ]

:: More Sri Aurobindo Writings
The problem of evil is one that has taxed human thought and evolved various and conflicting solutions. To the rationalist who does not believe in anything not material, the problem does not exist. Everything is in nature as the result of evolution. Nature is blind and unintelligent and has therefore no conception of good or evil; the conception belongs to the human mind and is the result of the social sense and the ideas of pleasure and pain developed in human beings by a perfectly intelligible natural process. It is to men who believe in Intelligence as governing and developing the world that the problem exists. Why did evil come into existence and what is its purpose? The unwillingness of the devout soul to admit that evil can have its existence in God, has led to variations of the Manichean theory which sees a double control in the world, God as the Principle of good and Satan as the Principle of evil .
[ Nov/15/2003 ]

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