Meditation Music
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V I S H N U - T H E S U S T A I N I N G G O D ![]() ![]() The intense erotic experience is the "seed" of all Tantric spirituality. It is the very pure touch of love, the unparalleled experience that stimulates passion, sets the senses on fire, and awakens the latent energy, Kundalini Shakti residing in the sexual center, Muladhara chakra. The pleasurable contact of the senses with the outer world generates the erotic sensation. When this erotic sensation is adequately refined, transformed and directed, it may lead to the experience of the transcendence, and to the divine ecstasy. In the Tantric tradition, Vishnu is considered the master of sensuality and of waters. The erotic aspect is the first secret of Vishnu. Such sensuality is mainly connected to the sustaining and nurturing power of Soma, the divine nectar, to the water element, and the intuitive, natural wisdom of the senses. The oceanic sensuality of Vishnu's sphere of action and influence makes way through all conventionalism and allows the rapid understanding and natural, spontaneous expression of the different roles that the woman plays within the creation. ![]() The secret Tantric techniques, when correctly performed allow us to elevate our level of consciousness through the integral transmutation of the sexual potential energy and its sublimation on higher levels. Discovering the Paradise of Vishnu on earth, the loving couple has the chance of exploring its true erotic potential to the full. VISHNU'S INFINITE FORCE MANIFESTS MAINLY THROUGH IDA NADI The lunar, Yin (-) energy circulates in our body through Ida nadi. Its qualities are: humidity, receptivity, contraction, submission, modesty; when this force is mainly focused on the level of the head, in the area of Sahasrara, the crown of the head, Vishnu's infinite sustaining force transforms intuitive wisdom into continuous aspiration and ardent spiritual life. Vishnu's force is mainly maternal, intuitive, instinctive, imaginative and conventional. HE PRESERVES THE PRIMORDIAL SOUND IN A SHELL Vishnu represents that aspect of the divine reality that maintains and sustains the creation. The endless creative force of Brahma gives life to all beings, and Vishnu's infinite sustaining force protects this life. ![]() ![]() Just as the feminine Supreme Energy, Vishnu has a "thousands names" which symbolize in fact just as many of his aspects. The daily repetition of Vishnu's thousand names is a living proof of his devotee's faith and ardor. Although there are numerous representations of Vishnu, most times he appears under the form of a young, very handsome man, with four arms (several arms is an indication of the divine, showing that they can perform several functions in the same time). In his hands, he holds a shell, a disk, a lotus, and a scepter. The symbolism of the shell is two-folded: on one hand it represents Vishnu's relationship with the primordial waters and its use as a musical instrument, reminiscent of the primordial waters, and on the other hand the shell represents the five elements, and consequently the origin of manifestation. The disk is a solar symbol, and the classical image of Vishnu, the ascendant, unifying, intellectual tendency of a human being. It represents the power that destroys the ignorance and the darkness, just as it is a symbol of a killing weapon, and of the sun. It destroys the evil through the process of illumination. ![]() The opening of the lotus bud represents the realization of the possibilities contained in the "seed" of the human being. The scepter is a symbol of power and authority. "Vishnu, the Preserver, sustains the whole creation and has the power of manifesting himself under numerous forms. In the great Cosmic Ocean, He sustains both the sun of the infinite and the eternal spirit of existence, which is the master of the universe." Vishnu Purana