Meditation Music
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S Y N C H R O N I C B R E A T H I N G ![]() ![]() Generally speaking a fast respiratory pattern is associated to the state of arousal, and a slow respiratory pattern is associated to the state of calmness. Knowing these things, you will choose the respiratory pattern associated to the state you wish to obtain. You can correlate the synchronic breathing with the contractions of the various pelvic segments, looking each other in the eyes while you breathe, and thus the effects of this technique will be highly amplified. A very special sensation will occur if you get close enough so as to hear and feel your lover’s breath and synchronize your breaths in this position. This technique has amazing effects in deepening intimacy and enhancing one’s trust, especially when you are in the beginning of a relationship. The accord and the harmony between your breath leads rapidly to a harmony between the two lovers. It is enough to be aware of the breathing pattern for a couple of minutes, and then shift your awareness to the common rhythm of your couple, as if you were a unique and complex being, in order to enjoy the states of intimacy induced by the change in the breathing pattern. ![]() The most important sexual organ of a person is the mind. As paradoxical as it may appear, the concentration, the focus of the mind on inner physical and psychic processes represents a general key of success. The elixir of love long sought by so many people is not different from the capacity to focus, to spontaneously concentrate in a well-established direction. In order to obtain a good capacity to focus, you need constant practice. For instance, you follow your breathing pattern or you focus on the tactile sensations. VIZUALIZATION Sit in a comfortable position, spine straight and palms on the knees. Visualize a white, bright sphere placed in the genital area, as if you had a flame in this area. Visualize this flame going up your spine until it reaches the head, exploding as in an artesian fountain of light, and then begin with the genital area again. One repetition of this process should take 2-3 seconds. Keep this image for several minutes and perceive then a state of refinement and enhanced erotic energy filling up your body, doubled by a feeling of security and enhanced concentration. LOVE The techniques of sexual practice or the various erotic positions regardless of their complexity or acrobatics are not sufficient to bring you erotic fulfilment. ![]() ![]() The problem is that love is not a technique to be practiced and learned, and in order to participate with your entire being, with your entire soul and with your entire mind, you need to be aware of the source, of the origin of this energy inside of you. For this, the sexologists advise to deepen and explore as much as possible every erotic sensation you experience. It is also highly useful to be aware of the fact that the sexual energy is a form of manifestation of the energy of life, which sustains the human beings and the entire universe. If you persevere in this effort of self-exploration, you will notice how much the erotic sensations are refined, as they become sources of joy and light in the core of our being. |