Meditation Music
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T H E A S A N A S O F H A P P I N E S ![]() ![]() All our actions and thoughts originate in this love, and to it they are drawn, as towards a divine center of irresistible attraction... Yoga is a path of knowledge, and in the same time, a path of love and loving. Therefore, the sages have transmitted to the humanity poses that are to be performed by a couple, so that the relationships we have are harmonious and spiritual. The asanas presented in the following may be performed before lovemaking as well, because they create an ineffable state of harmony between the two lovers. The perseverant practice of these asanas will help you and your lover evolve spiritually, and lift your souls to reach the Supreme Ultimate Freedom, together with the beloved. The heart of this yoga practice is of course - LOVE. NAVASANA (THE POSE OF THE SHIP) This asana helps you trust your lover and rely on your love. Sit on the floor, facing each other, knees bent, and touching with your soles your lover's soles. Hold your hands, or use a scarf if you do not reach your lover's hands. Make sure there is enough space behind you, in case you lose your balance. ![]() Perceive the activation of Manipura chakra, enhanced will, self-confidence and trust in your lover. VIRABHADRASANA (THE POSE OF THE HERO) This asana helps you have a greater capacity to love spiritually. The perseverant practice of this asana will help you have great force/impact as a couple, as well as the energy to fulfill your goals, and overcome any obstacles together with your beloved. HOW TO PERFORM THE ASANA The left side Face your lover; step forward with your right foot, so that your feet touch each other on the inner part of the shank. Lift your arms and bring the palms at the level of the chest. Press your hands on those of your lover. ![]() ![]() FOCUS Focus to perceive the energy flowing through the palms of your hands and the right foot. Perceive the activation of Anahata chakra and Muladhara chakra in its receptive aspect. Perceive enhanced vitality; trust in your lover, self-confidence, calm, and feeling of security. The right side Face your lover; step forward with your left foot, so that your feet touch each other on the inner part of the shank. Lift your arms and bring the palms at the level of the chest. Press your hands on those of your lover. Place your right foot backwards, as if taking a big step. The ankle and the floor should form a 45 degrees angle. Keep the soles on the ground and bend the left knee to form a 90-degree angle. Breathe calmly, in the same rhythm with your lover, keeping eye contact all the while you perform the asana. Come out of the asana smoothly. FOCUS Focus to perceive the energy flowing through the palms of your hands and the left foot. Perceive the activation of Anahata chakra and Muladhara chakra in its emissive aspect. Perceive enhanced vitality; trust in your lover, self-confidence, calm, and feeling of security.