Meditation Music
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L E T U S D I S C O V E R T H E W O M A N' S B O D Y ![]() ![]() The woman’s sexual organs are placed inside her body, not on the outside, as is the case of men, and therefore they were the subject of many studies, but also many confusions as well. Any man, just as any woman has to know and be familiar with some basic elements about the woman’s body. Keep in mind that these are mere general descriptions and the sexual anatomy of both men and women varies according to each individual person. VENUS’S MOUNTAIN Going lower to the woman’s inferior abdomen, the first discovery you will make is mount veneris, the Latin for Venus’s mountain. As you probably know, Venus is the goddess of love. Venus’s mountain is the area covering the pubic bone, and is usually covered by hair. As a teenager, you must have felt this part of a woman’s body through her clothes. Venus’s mountain is above the clitoris. This area is very sensitive in the case of some women, while others will want you to focus your attention and touch much lower. ![]() As you do deeper in between a woman’s thighs, Venus’s mountain splits in two large lips. Although they are usually called "lips", when the woman is not aroused, they are rather flat and do not look at all with some lips. THE INNER LIPS Unlike the exterior lips, the inner lips are hairless and are connected with other mucous membranes, just like the lips of the mouth. When the woman is not aroused, their color varies from pink, to brown and purple. During sexual arousal, these lips are dilated, thickened, and darker in color. Sometimes their size can reach up to two or even three times their initial size, and they may change their color in bright red. These signs are the signs of a great sexual excitation and announce the orgasm. THE CLITORIS Go up the inner lips, up to the point where they meet, right beneath Venus’s mountain. Here they form the hood that protects the sensitive gland of the clitoris, which is similar to the gland (head) of the penis in its abundance of sensitive nerves. Usually, the gland is covered by the hood, but it can easily be seen pushing the hood backwards. The gland is so sensitive that few women find its direct stimulation painful. These women prefer the stimulation of the ax above the clitoris and can be felt underneath the skin as a mobile cord. ![]() ![]() Like the penis, the clitoris is made of erectile tissue, and the gland is filled with blood when it is aroused. Many people compare the clitoris with the head of the penis and from the point of view of their development they both have their origin in the same embrionary tissue. Nonetheless, the clitoris is unique in the sense that it is the only sexual organ that exists with the sole purpose of erotic pleasure. Consequently, we can no longer think or imagine that women are less sensual then men: the women even have a body part dedicated entirely and exclusively to provide pleasure and orgasm.