Meditation Music
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I N V I T A T I O N T O P R A C T I C E Y O G A ![]() It's not necessary to use complex electronic devices in order to know yourself. Tantric meditation techniques can help very much the ones who tries to establish an energetic harmony within and around him. The ASANAS (body positions), the ethical and moral code of YOGA, the relaxation and meditation methods, the concentration techniques on YANTRAS (certain symbolic geometrical diagrams), the breathing control techniques, all under the careful surveillance of a competent Tantric master can help us find and eliminate the anxiety, to enhance our power of concentration, to amplify our intelligence, to evolve spiritually, to really know ourselves and to open up our beings to new existence dimensions. Everybody can choose a meditation or a concentration technique that suits him with the help of his spiritual guide. He can turn into better, to really find himself. By practicing YOGA techniques anyone can see amazing benefic transformations. Here and now you can touch perfection. The message of a Tantric master to his disciples: "Let's tear down the wall that separates us from the Light, let aside our prejudices, rigidity, selfishness and ignorance...Let's try to learn to really live, to love and to be happy...Let's regain the candor and purity of our childhood, to be better, more altruist and wiser... Let us be on the same side of the Macrocosmic Harmony, to resonate with the energies of good, beauty and truth. Let's try to find the Ultimate Truth, to complete ourselves, to be springs of divine energy." The effects of Tantric practice: The one who practices TANTRA YOGA will easily suffer a transformation for better from all points of view. To be more precise, we can say that the persevering Tantric adept amplifies his vitality and increases his will power. He also integrates himself better in the society and at his work place. His feelings of affection are profoundly harmonized by the touch of the powers of love. Intuition and purity are a lot deeper. The mind becomes calmer and calmer and more focused and spiritually, he opens up to the Divine Life. An author talks about the effects of the Yogi Tantric meditation: "Meditation helps us relax, become a genius, have exceptional spiritual states and even touch perfection. The ones who practice meditation do not go further from this world. On the contrary, they become wiser and can thus understand the others better, feel compassion to those who are in pain, be stronger and of more help to the others."(Robert Jungle, PARI SUR L"HOMME) ![]() ![]() Generally speaking the secret of meditation and of yoga practice is the subtle energetic RESONANCE. By focusing on the mental level, the practitioner manages to initiate and amplify gradually RESONANCE processes between his own system called the MICROCOSM and the exterior, the MACROCOSM. There are numerous benefic energies in the macrocosm. Here are some examples: the vital energies and erotic energies, the universal love, the purity energies, the harmonious energies of beauty, who modulate Nature permanently, the energetic sphere of macrocosmic mental and even the supreme energies of the Divine Transcendence. A meditation becomes a journey in these invisible spheres but which are not less real than the physical world we live in. With each meditation we increase our benefic sphere of energy and become, in time, real gods out of common people. BECOMING AWARE IN TANTRA BECOMING AWARE is the key to success in Tantra and in Yoga. BECOMING AWARE is a direct relationship between the SELF and the surrounding world; we might say that becoming aware is an excellent exercise to reveal the reality. ![]() The UNITY already exist in us and outside but we are not aware of it - it is a state of fusion with the supreme reality - this state, far from being a "NON - BEING", it represents our essence as human being. Yet we are captivated by the exterior differences, the numerous details and distinctions of the exterior world. Even mentally the permanent verbalization of everything we perceive or live is a bastion of DIFFERENTIATING and DIVIDING our conscience. Many persons want to learn this TANTRA of BECOMING AWARE but in reality all they do is behaving with negligence, lack of attention and selfishness and ask for special results in Tantra because they consider that these belong to them without taking into account that everything is to be gained gradually. You have to prove to be OPEN MINDED and PATIENT in order to learn from each situation. Becoming aware is the key phenomenon in all Tantric practices and only by learning this important lesson you will have the success you wanted and can stop wasting time and energy uselessly. Any spiritual technique is efficient only if there is also the exercise of becoming aware. The wanted results will be achieved faster if the process of becoming aware is complete and takes place fast. HOW do you BECOME AWARE in yoga training? Practically, becoming aware means to be opened to the mental, subtle and sensorial perceptions, to the ineffable and delicate state that might appear during spiritual practice or in the day-by-day life. Not being aware is like an animal or a rock - "even if fish live in the Ganges River, they are not automatically saved by the holy river." WHEN do you BECOME AWARE in yoga training? Each time you practice the Asanas and meditate, in the end, try to be aware of the physical and subtle effects for 2-3 minutes. More, during the complete relaxation (the essential step in HATHA YOGA) you will become aware of your entire physical body, muscle groups. In your day-by-day life you should be always aware of everything that appears. It is a proof of high spiritual evolution. ![]() ![]() Tantra says that God is the Supreme Conscience (CHIT) and the Ecstatic Energy (ANANDA), both together outside time and space. That is why BECOMING AWARE plays in the Tantric practices, sexual and meditative a fundamental role. We end by advising you to BE PERMANENTLY VERY MUCH AWARE. |