Meditation Music
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V A M A N A D H A U T I O R T H E ![]() ![]() In the famous treaty BHAKTI SAGARA-GRANTHA, the wise from the ancient times wrote: 'the gesture of the elephant makes the body immune to all illness. The gesture of the elephant means filling your stomach with water, and then getting it out, without effort. Just as the elephant takes the water in through its trump, then gets the water out through the trump, guarding its body from all illness, the man may also preserve his body in a perfect state of health. Just as a clay-bowl is cleaned with water, the same way we may clean our stomach with water.' HOW TO PERFORM Take at least two liters of warm water, with a temperature a little above the body-temperature. You may add a spoon of salt, so that the cleansing will be even more effective. ![]() Sit crouched with your soles on the ground. Spread the knees so that they will not compress the stomach. Drink minimum one liter or one and a half liter of warm water (pure or salted). Nonetheless, a clear indication is when you feel satiated. Drink the water as fast as possibly. If the salted water gives you nausea, drink pure warm water. If you feel nausea when you almost drank the entire quantity of water, this is a good sign. As soon as you drank the quantity we recommended, stand up. ![]() ![]() Let the water inside your stomach for few moments before throwing it up. You may even perform 10-20 quick abdominal retractions, just as if you were to perform Uddiyana Bandha, but without paying attention to any breathing pattern. This "agitation' of the water will make this purifying technique even more effective. THROWING UP There are some precise indications that you have to follow if you wish to throw the water out. ![]()
Usually a slight pressure on the back of the tongue is enough to start the process of throwing the water out. Make sure your nails are cut short and that you do not injure your neck with them. If you do not start throwing up, then you have to tickle the uvula itself. In the beginning the water will come out in small amounts, but in time the quantity of water you throw up will increase. Carry on until you feel the water has come out entirely. If the water is somewhat yellowish or green in color, it is good, because this indicates the stomach is clean. The last water coming out will probably be bitter, indicating the fact that the bile was eliminated and that the stomach is now clean. It is recommendable that now you drink one more glass of water for the final cleaning. Relax in Shavasana, the Relaxation Pose for about 5-10 minutes, and only then get on with your work or with the practice of other asana-s. ![]() |