Meditation Music
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E N H A N C E Y O U R V I R I L I T Y ![]() ![]() Researches in the field have proved that the greatest enemy of men's erections is fear of failure. The above-mentioned phenomenon is present particularly at those men whose self-assertion is closely related to sexuality. They usually refuse to understand that they unconsciously cultivate their fear of failure, while they should find their peace. They should see their real possibilities as they truly are, and adjust their expectations to those possibilities. Apparently, they pose in the "experts" and thus they become more and more vulnerable and the terror of impotence becomes inhibiting in itself. Consequently, the fear of failure becomes the greatest enemy of erection. The ambitious, not understanding the real nature of these things, complicate things. Thus, instead of a rational and gradual approach of the issue, they strive to prove to themselves and their beloved that they are capable of sexual performances. Unfortunately, repeated failure leads to their failure as men. Remember Casanova, one of the most potent men because he has never known this fear. An eternal optimist, he always said: "tomorrow I will surely be more fortunate than today". Think what is preventing you from being a Casanova, or even more, a Tantric Master? Of course, in order to be a Tantric master, one must be a master of sexual continence. Many men have had the experience of not being able to get an erection or losing the erection precisely in the hottest and most unexpected moments. If this situation should occur several times, a man may imagine he suffers of a disorder, because this would justify the betrayal of their intimate "friend". ![]() In the following, we submit to your judgment a questionnaire so that you may have an idea about the factors that may influence your sexual response. 1. Do you have the usual "morning erections"? 2. Can you get an erection masturbating? 3. Do you have erections while dreaming? 4. Do you get an erection because of fantasies, erotic literature, or erotic shows? 5. If ever you found yourself in the situation of having intimate contact to another woman but your wife/girlfriend, did you do it? 6. Did you have erections under other circumstances? ![]() Sometimes, even if all your answers to these questions are negative, you may realize in time that you are having erections in situations you did not notice before. In this case, it is a psycho-mental problem, not a physical one. Consequently, have no worry! No matter how rebellious your penis might seem, he is not on his own! He is only a soldier standing in front of his commandant: your own mind!