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Yoga Blog Archive / pag 16

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:: Quick Yoga?
When most people think of yoga, they assume they need to be flexible to start, need to attend lengthy and costly classes and practice all of the time. In today's society, many of us don't have the luxury of being able to attend a yoga class regularly. I believe that a person can get the benefits of yoga in a condensed and simple practice, all within one to five minutes.
[ Nov/14/2003 ]

:: The Strength of Stillness
There are two great forces in the universe, silence and speech. Silence prepares, speech creates. Silence acts, speech gives the impulse to action. Silence compels, speech persuades. The immense and inscrutable processes of the world all perfect themselves within, in a deep and august silence, covered by a noisy and misleading surface of sound--the stir of innumerable waves above, the fathomless resistless mass of the ocean's waters below. Men see the waves, they hear the rumour and the thousand voices and by these they judge the course of the future and the heart of God's intention; but in nine cases out of ten they misjudge. Therefore it is said that in History it is always the unexpected that happens. But it would not be the unexpected if men could turn their eyes from superficies and look into substance, if they accustomed themselves to put aside appearances and penetrate beyond them to the secret and disguised reality, if they ceased listening to the noise of life and listened rather to its silence.
[ Nov/14/2003 ]

:: Sri Aurobindo - In The "Great Masters" Series
Poet, mystic, political activist, and utopian visionary, Sri Aurobindo emphasized the evolution of humankind toward its collective potential. Born in Calcutta in 1872, Aurobindo Ghose was taken at age 7 to be educated in England and spent the next 14 years there (including two at Cambridge), becoming fluent in Greek and Latin and proficient in German and Italian. He returned to India, entered government service, and later became a college educator (while studying Sanskrit and other Indian languages). He soon became engaged in the struggle for self-governance, publishing the influential polemical daily Bande Mataram. A succession of charges kept him jailed for several years, during which time he experienced a spiritual awakening prompted by his practice of "silent yoga."
[ Nov/13/2003 ]

:: Yoga Step-By-Step
Don't be fooled by the cover — this is not Eddie George teaching yoga. He is just the most famous of 21 star athletes who ''reveal their secrets for strength, flexibility and peak performance,'' as the cover promotes. Actually it's a very good step-by-step book for yoga put into practical terms for men. The likes of Dan Marino, David Duval and Luis Gonzalez are prominently featured with yoga improving their athletic careers.
[ Nov/13/2003 ]

:: Valmiki - The Great Transformation
Osho says:
It has happened many times that a sinner has taken the jump in a moment and has become a saint. It happened to Valmiki, an Indian saint, the first to tell the story of Rama. Valmiki was a robber and a murderer, and in a single moment the transformation happened. It has never happened like that to any pundit - and India is a great country of pundit s: the brahmin s, the scholars. You cannot compete with Indian scholars - they have a long heritage of thousands of years, and they have lived on words and words and words. But it has never happened that a scholar in a single moment took a jump, exploded, was broken from the past and became totally new. It has never happened that way. But it has happened many times with sinners, in a single moment, because deep down they were never able to make arrangements in their ego with whatsoever they were doing. Whatsoever they were doing was ego-shattering - and ego is the wall, the stone wall.
[ Nov/12/2003 ]

:: Kindergarten Yoga
"Warrior one!" shouted yoga instructor Kim Lynn, and a class of kindergarten students lunged forward with one knee, hands high in the air. "Warrior two!" she called, and the children assumed the new position, bringing their outstretched arms down to shoulder height.
[ Nov/12/2003 ]

:: Ishvara pranidhana
Ishvara pranidhana is not about what your yoga can do for you, but about approaching your practice in the spirit of offering.
[ Nov/11/2003 ]

:: Rugby And Yoga?
After their stunning performance against England in the Rugby World Cup on Sunday, the yoga teacher who coached the Wales squad says she feels her techniques made a difference.
[ Nov/11/2003 ]

:: An Inspiration
“It gives me satisfaction to know that I can bring positive change. When people say that their back ache has reduced or that they are calmer, that is more satisfaction than getting a fixed payment.”
[ Nov/10/2003 ]

:: The Soul
What is the soul??? Many have asked this question, few have managed to answer.
Webster's Third International Dictionary:
1. the immaterial essence or substance animating principle or actuating cause of life or of the individual life.
2. the psychical or spiritual principle in general shared by or embodied in individual human
beings or all beings having a rational and spiritual nature.
3. the immortal part of man having permanent individual existence.
4. a person's total self ....sometimes distinguished from spirit....

The Self-Revealed Knowledge ..by Roy E. Davis:
"An individualized ray of God's consciousness reflected from the field of primordial nature that mistakenly presumes itself to be independent of God.
The soul's illusional state of consciousness has to be purified and transcended to have its awareness restored to wholeness."

In response to this article, Paul Katz submitted the following references which are part of Plato's proof for the existence of the Soul, both before birth and after death, using logic and inference
[ Nov/10/2003 ]

:: Self-Knowledge
The world is like a dream: It appears to be real as long as we are ignorant of the Truth.
When we are awake the world has disappeared like a dream.
The illusionary nature of the world is like the illusion of silver in an oyster shell.
All forms exist in the imagination of the perceiver. The world is to the all-pervading Awareness of God like the bracelet is to gold. As long as we admire the form, we do not see the gold. If we see the gold we do not admire the form.
[ Nov/09/2003 ]

:: The Breath Within The Breath
A student of the great Indian poet Kabir once asked him, "Kabir, where is God?" His answer was simple: "He is the breath within the breath." To understand the profound implications of Kabir's reply, we need to look beyond the physical components of breath—the oxygen, carbon dioxide, and other molecules that stream in and out with our every inhalation and exhalation. Beyond this breath—yet within it—is prana, the universal vital energy that is quite literally the stuff of life.
[ Nov/09/2003 ]

:: On The Nature Of God
Dictionaries usually describe God as the Supreme Being. Since we cannot put God on a table for a thorough investigation, God and his nature is still seen by some as belonging to a belief system. Scholars, who believe in the theory of evolution, naturally think that this system of belief must also have undergone its own evolution. They say that animism (a belief in souls) slowly developed into polytheism (the belief in many Gods) and from there developed into a belief of one God. However, it is clear from ancient scriptures of India, which go back 4 - 6 thousand years (longer if we add oral tradition), that their polytheism is indeed a very precise belief in only one God. The many Gods, we heard about, are according to their own explanation no more than qualities and externalizations of the single Supreme Being. Thus the oldest book on this globe - the Rig-Veda - tells us: "The wise speak of the same One as Indra, Mitra, Varuna, and Agni.... There is one Truth but the wise call it by different names (164.46)."
[ Nov/08/2003 ]

:: Ramana Maharshi
Ramana Maharshi is an outstanding example of how someone, who is ready to realize the Truth, can realize the Self even without the assistance of an external Guru. Because, the Guru, or true revealer of the Truth, resides always within at the center of our Being. However, if a Self-realized Being is present, the presence alone is sufficient to assist any serious seeker in his quest and assure success. This is possible because pure Awareness is now able to express without the previous restrictions of the mind (ego).
[ Nov/08/2003 ]

:: Einstein The Buddha
To me, that is the only prayer: to become aware of the miraculous, the mysterious that surrounds us. And only a man who has come to a unity within himself is capable of understanding the mystery of existence.
[ Nov/07/2003 ]

:: Guru Nanak
Osho says, “His words aren't those of a scholar, but rather they express a person completely steeped in the wine of love; therefore the repetitions. They are words spoken in a state of ecstasy, just as you see a drunkard going along the road repeating himself over and over and over again. Nanak is completely inebriated with some profound intoxicant, so he also indulges in repetition.”
[ Nov/07/2003 ]

:: Calm Your Heart
Try this meditation to nourish the heart from the inside out.
[ Nov/06/2003 ]

:: The First Principle
“Religions contaminate your sex energy. They start making you afraid that it is wrong, it is ugly, it is sin, it will drag you to hell. They want to dominate you; that is why they are against sex. I have no idea to dominate you. I am here to make you absolutely free.” Osho : The First Principle
[ Nov/06/2003 ]

:: Hanumanasana (Monkey Pose)
"It was the greatest leap ever taken. The speed of Hanuman's jump pulled blossoms and flowers into the air after him and they fell like little stars on the waving treetops. The animals on the beach had never seen such a thing; they cheered Hanuman, then the air burned from his passage, and red clouds flamed over the sky . . ." (Ramayana, retold by William Buck).
[ Nov/05/2003 ]

:: Celebrate Your Being
I would like this world to be more and more filled with song and dance, with music and festivity. And so far as the external world, the world of extroversion and action is concerned, we should go into it only to the extent needed for our inward journey. More than that is not necessary. We need bread, but bread is not everything. We need bread to live, but there are people who go on stockpiling bread and, in the meantime, forget all about eating and living. By the time they succeed in making a mountain of bread their appetite is gone and they don't know what to do with the huge stock.
[ Nov/05/2003 ]

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