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Yoga Blog Archive / pag 9
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:: 23.00-23.30: Meditation of communion with a beneficial astrological aspect: MERCURY SEXTILE NEPTUNE
EFFECTS: It awakens and amplifies spiritual visions and facilitates prophetical states, telepathic communication. It favours the opening to divine intuitions and inspirations. It stimulates an ardent desire to discover the occult knowledge, the communication with the beings of light from the subtle, elevated worlds. It facilitates conscious astral projection and travels. It offers the ability to subtly identify ourselves and empathize with other beings.
[ Nov/13/2004 ]
:: 16.15 -16.45 : NEW MOON
EFFECTS: It generates an excellent balance between Yin (-) and Yang (+) energies both in our environment and in our being. It facilitates resonance with the mysterious energy of the beginning and actions starting during this time will be more efficient. It facilitates balance of brain hemispheres, the awakening and harmonization of the inner man and woman, it allows a deep androgynous state.
PARTICULAR EFFECTS: It favours the awakening and amplification of the archetypal energies of Cancer in our being, like: the power to forgive, to learn from the mistakes of the past so that they won't be made again.
[ Nov/12/2004 ]
:: 18.15 – 18.45: Meditation of communion with a beneficial astrological aspect: JUPITER SEXTILE MERCURY
EFFECTS: It awakens aspiration to spiritual knowledge, it stimulates discrimination and superior mental abilities. It is a mysterious favourable circumstance to discover and reveal the spiritual truth, to get rid of theatricality and of our false personalities by the means of a state of lucid detachment. It facilitates a state of mental expansion, it allows communication with spiritual beings in a paranormal way. It stimulates the intuition and deep understanding of spiritual laws and allows the discovery and awareness of the "golden middle way".
[ Nov/11/2004 ]
:: 6.45 – 7.20: Meditation of communion with a beneficial astrological aspect: MARS PASSES FROM LIBRA TO SCORPIO
EFFECTS: It awakens a high responsibility towards our own being, it makes us to be full of spirit , it facilitates transfiguration, perseverance and profoundness. It stimulates inner dynamism, the courage to overcome our limits, it removes our tendency to postpone things. It awakens and amplifies integrity, it facilitates control over the creative energies, it leads to a harmonious, conscious and responsible social integration.
[ Nov/11/2004 ]
:: 12.30 - 13.15: Meditation of communion with a beneficial astrological aspect: VENUS TRINE NEPTUNE
EFFECTS: It awakens and amplifies intuition; it facilitates telepathic connections between lovers. It helps communion with angels, it awakens the ability to have high intuitions and inspirations. It favours an easy overcoming of all kinds of attachments and the sublimation of inferior desires. It awakens artistic refinement, devotion, veneration, it makes us receptive for a humble prayer.
[ Nov/08/2004 ]
:: International Yoga Camp, Romania, 4th-9th May 2004
Since the yearly yoga camp in Herculane, Romania will not take place this year, there is aranged, instead, a unique spiritual camp for foreigners. This camp will take place in Costinesti BETWEEN THE 4rd AND THE 9th OF MAY. Read here all the details and how to register.
[ Apr/30/2004 ]
:: News on Yogi Abuses by the Authorities Taking Place in Romania
There have been a dramatic few days. False accusations, calumny, a failed escape, discovering a step-brother in the most unlikely moment and finally being freed when noone had hoped. Read it all here.
[ Apr/04/2004 ]
:: Yoga practitioners under attack by media and police
The leading members of M.I.S.A., the largest yoga organisation in Romania, led by Gregorian Bivolaru are under a fierce attact by both media and police. Over 300 policemen, district attorneys and jandarms invaded 18 private homes property of MISA members and coursants with guns and masked anti-tero troups, abusing and threatening people, illegally seazing property without due process. In many cases they did not have withnesses when writing the official report, as is required by law. Some of the people investigated were not allowed to request the presence of their attorney or make any phone calls. 78 people were brought in for questioning to the police station and afler they left, some reporned being forced to write and sign untrue declarations.
More information available on the official MISA website in Romanian , and in English, including personal accounts, official press statement and background info.
[ Mar/27/2004 ]
:: Osho’s Truth: Sex, Sexuality and Spirituality
Ever since his discourse From Sex to Super Consciousness in 1969, Osho has been labelled as the Sex Guru. But those who labelled him thus never bothered to read those discourses, or understand his words. The compilation of these discourses is just one of the over 650 books that have been compiled from his discourses on various topics from aesthetics to Zen.
This story is enlightening:
A young man went to be a monk in an ancient respected monastery. He was put to work as a scribe, copying texts.
“Here is one,” said the abbot, “Brother Jasper has just finished it.”
“But to copy from a copy! There might be errors... shouldn’t I copy the original?”
“You’re right, my son, I’ll go to the cellars and bring it up for you,” said the abbot, and disappeared.
One hour passed, two, three... the monks were alarmed, and went down to the cellars to see what had happened to the abbot. They found him sitting on the floor, an ancient open book before him, weeping copiously.
“Look what I have found,” he cried, “there is an error! For centuries we have been writing CELIBATE, and here it says CELEBRATE.”
[ Jan/20/2004 ]
:: Mexican Shamanism
The World according to the Mexican Sorcerers
The great majority of spiritual traditions present in the Americas before Columbus's arrival, has managed - by some miracle! - to preserve its roots. In other words, they were stronger than the civilizations which were here, and which soon succumbed to the conquistadors. Among them,
Mexican shamanism, which is still practiced by many local tribes, is one of the most widely studied; various anthropologists have carried out serious studies about the way in which the sorcerers understood God's presence and their spiritual search. Here are some of the aspects of this understanding of the universe, drawn from various sources:
[ Jan/20/2004 ]
:: Initiation
"This doctrine is not intended for everybody, if so there will be retribution and Indra would cut the head off the imprudent Master. That is why only the one who already knows and has studied the Veda may be trained; the one who cherishes the Veda, not just anyone."
[ Jan/19/2004 ]
:: On The True Meaning of Art
"Art is concerned with your response: not with what is there but with what is inside you. Art is closer to home than science -- although not yet exactly at home, but on the way. It is a mid-point between science and religion. Art gives you more freedom than science. The poet has more freedom than the mathematician, the musician has more freedom than the physicist. The scientist is obstructed by his own objects. The scientist cannot go beyond matter and matter defines his world. But the poet can soar, can go beyond, can create his own worlds.
[ Jan/19/2004 ]
:: Each Thing in Its Own Place
All Nasrudin's disciples were gathered at a feast. They ate and drank for several hours, and talked about the origins of the stars. The night drew on and everyone made ready to go home.
A fine plate of sweets was left on the table: Nasrudin made all his disciples eat it.
One, however, refused.
"The master is testing us," he said. "He wants to see whether we can control our desires."
"You are mistaken," replied Nasrudin. "The best way of dominating a desire, is to satisfy it. I would rather you had the sweets in your bellies - their rightful place - than in your minds, which should be filled with nobler things."
[ Jan/18/2004 ]
:: Yoga for Swimmers
Yoga, with its emphasis on balance and alignment, is great dryland training for swimmers.
Gentle on the joints, forgiving of injuries and other physical limitations, and deeply relaxing, swimming and yoga, when practiced together, unite their strengths, making for a more balanced athlete.
[ Jan/18/2004 ]
:: The Practice of Yoga
Although you don't need to formally meditate in order to practice hatha yoga—nor is the practice of hatha yoga mandatory in order to meditate—the two practices support each another. Through your practice of yoga, you've enhanced both your abilities to concentrate and to relax—the two most important requirements for a meditation practice. Now you can deepen your understanding of what meditation is and begin a practice of your own.
[ Jan/17/2004 ]
:: Story - Tales of Zen wisdom
The gift of insults
Near Tokyo lived a great Samurai warrior, now old, who decided to teach Zen Buddhism to young people. In spite of his age, the legend was that he could defeat any adversary.
One afternoon, a warrior - known for his complete lack of scruples - arrived there. He was famous for using techniques of provocation: he waited until his adversary made the first move and, being gifted with an enviable intelligence in order to repair any mistakes made, he counterattacked with fulminating speed.
The young and impatient warrior had never lost a fight. Hearing of the Samurai's reputation, he had come to defeat him, and increase his fame.
All the students were against the idea, but the old man accepted the challenge.
All gathered on the town square, and the young man started insulting the old master. He threw a few rocks in his direction, spat in his face, shouted every insult under the sun - he even insulted his ancestors. For hours, he did everything to provoke him, but the old man remained impassive. At the end of the afternoon, by now feeling exhausted and humiliated, the impetuous warrior left.
Disappointed by the fact that the master had received so many insults and provocations, the students asked:
- How could you bear such indignity? Why didn't you use your sword, even knowing you might lose the fight, instead of displaying your cowardice in front of us all?
- If someone comes to you with a gift, and you do not accept it, who does the gift belong to? - asked the Samurai.
- He who tried to deliver it - replied one of his disciples.
- The same goes for envy, anger and insults - said the master. - When they are not accepted, they continue to belong to the one who carried them.
[ Jan/17/2004 ]
:: Can Marriage Destroy LOVE?
Can marriage destroy love? Osho says marriage can never destroy love but it is the partners who destroy love in a marriage. Osho vision of marriage is a totally different phenomenon, it is the climax of love. Sharing His insight, Osho says "A marriage that deliberately ignores the importance of love cannot possibly result in a mutual inner bond, in an harmonious blending of the hearts of husband and wife. This is only possible through mutual love.
Neither harmony, nor oneness, nor heavenly music can exist between two people who are bound together in a purely material marriage."
[ Jan/16/2004 ]
:: The importance of the cat in meditation
Having recently written a book about madness, I was forced to wonder how many things we do are imposed on us by necessity, or by the absurd. Why wear a tie? Why do clocks run "clockwise"? If we live in a decimal system, why does the day have 24 hours of 60 minutes?"
The fact is, many of the rules we obey nowadays have no real foundation. Nevertheless, if we wish to act differently, we are considered "crazy" or "immature".
Meanwhile, society continues to create some systems which, in the fullness of time, lose their reason for existence, but continue to impose their rules. An interesting Japanese story illustrates what I mean by this:
[ Jan/16/2004 ]
:: You're Alone, Even Among Your Friends
"Only from there is your redemption, your salvation. But you are doing just the opposite: how to forget your aloneness?
The boyfriend, the girlfriend; go to the movie, the football match; get lost in the crowd, dance in the disco, forget yourself, drink alcohol, take drugs, but somehow don't let this aloneness come to your conscious mind ? and there lies the whole secret."
[ Jan/15/2004 ]
:: The Effects Of Meditation
The specific effects are:
[ Jan/15/2004 ]