Meditation Music
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T H E I N T E R N A T I O N A L Y O G I C C A M P ![]() ![]() This is the wonderful news we have for all our readers who aspire to more than just a relaxing holiday and particularly to those who aspire to practice yoga and get in touch with the core of our yoga school. Consequently, we announce all of you who are interested that our yoga school organizes in Romania, the international yoga camp, in Costinesti resort from the shore of the Black Sea. The international yoga camp will bring delight to all seekers of Truth during August 7th 2003 until September 7th 2003 and this is the Program of the Camp. ![]() ![]() You may say that we announced this camp too late and that you will never be able to arrange things and reach Costinesti in due time. Do not be disappointed. First of all, it is never too late for all those who truly wishes something, and secondly, you may drop in any time during this month interval. If you have only seven days at your disposal for this special holiday, we recommend you to come after August 27th because at this time you will be able to benefit of the most spiritually charged moments of our yoga camp. WHICH IS THE PROGRAM OF OUR CAMP? Considering that the program of our yoga camp is very concentrated, participating in the activities of the camp is optional. You will be able to chose which ones you want to attend and which ones you can skip. So which are your options? Through our web blog you have access to the activities of the program, which you can also find published on our website: conferences on various spiritual issues, meditations performed together with all the participants in the camp, yoga techniques performed as well with all the participants in the camp, movies, yang spirals, contests of subtle perceptions, spiritual games on the beach, yin spirals for the women and yang spirals for the men, dancing, the "Miss Shakti" contest. HOW CAN YOU TAKE PART IN THIS SPIRITUAL CAMP? The access to the activities of this camp is based on an I.D. Card, released by the coordinator of our camp - the yoga teacher Anca Petrescu, in Costinesti. WHAT DO YOU NEED IN ORDER TO GET AN I.D. CARD? 1. Three pictures of yourselves in bathing suit, covering your entire body, two from face and one from semi-profile. 2. The medical receipts of your HIV and VDRL analysis. 3. The participation fee of 200 Euros. "Armed" with all these, you will go to the camp's headquarter in Costinesti, and you will have your I.D. the same day, together with the written program of the camp's activities. The headquarter's address is: Crizantemelor Street, no. 7, Costinesti. Person of contact: Anca Petrescu, telephone number 0722.585.571. HOW DO YOU GET TO COSTINESTI? Costinesti is one of Romania's resorts on the Black Sea shore. From Bucharest, the capital of Romania, you will take the train and in approximately three hours you will be in Costinesti, on the shore of the Black Sea. You will take the train from the Northern Station (Gara de Nord in Romanian), Bucharest. The price of one ticket Bucharest - Costinesti is 280.000 lei (approximately 8 Euro) in the second class and 480.000 lei (approximately 13 Euro) in the first class. HOW DO YOU REACH THE NORTHERN STATION (GARA DE NORD)? If you arrived in Romania by plane, you can take the 783 buss leaving from Otopeni airport, which will drop you in the center of Bucharest. >From here, you can take the subway till The Northern Station (Gara de Nord). The price of a bus ticket is 7.000 lei (0.2 Euro) and a two-trips card for the subway is 16.000 lei (0.45 Euro). If you want to reach faster the Northern Station you can always get a cab from the airport. Here you are in Costinesti. Here you can stay in the yoghis' hotel, if you like small and lively colored rooms. The price of one such room is 200.000 lei (approximately 5.5 Euro)/night. ![]() ![]() WHERE CAN YOU EAT IN COSTINESTI? In Costinesti, like in any other resort on the shore of the Black Sea, there are a great deal of terraces, pensions, and restaurants that come to meet your expectations with delicious foods, at good prices. We eagerly wait for you to show up in Costinesti, for a wonderful and unforgettable spiritual camp. ![]() ![]() ![]() |