Meditation Music
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B R E A T H C O N T R O L - T H E B A S I C S ![]() ![]() The techniques to be presented here, in the "Men" section, are a great help in no longer having ejaculatory orgasms, which decrease and finally exhaust one's "reserve" of sexual energy, as well as in opening your way to experiencing multiple orgasms. These methods are efficient according to the perseverance with which you will practice them. There are men endowed with a greater erotic energy and sensibility, as well as with a greater capacity for mental control. Such men will be able to experience multiple non-ejaculatory orgasms after a few weeks' practice. Other men, whose erotic sensibility and mental control are less powerful, will probably need to practice for months or even years in order to get to this stage. Consequently, remember that you may become a master only through practice. BREATH CONTROL In order to control your sexual energy and to practice sexual continence, you have to breathe as deeply and as relaxed as you can. All martial arts and yoga teachings indicate that breath is the key in controlling the body. ![]() For instance, after we run, we breathe rapidly and superficially, and consequently our cardiac rhythm reaches high levels. If we breathe slowly, the cardiac rhythm decreases. To the extent to which lovemaking is concerned, a high rate of the cardiac rhythm usually indicates that you approach ejaculation. The conclusion comes naturally: the first step in controlling your ejaculation is controlling your breath. ABDOMINAL BREATHING Most of us breathe superficially, usually at the level of the thorax and clavicles (clavicular breathing), fact which leads to a poor oxygenation of the lungs. For instance, the newborn babies breathe abdominally. If you watch a baby sleeping, you will notice that his belly moves with each breath he takes. The abdominal breathing fills our lungs with air, and allows us to replace the residual air, stagnating inside our lungs, with fresh air. This is the healthiest way of breathing, but we lost this ability of breathing in a healthy manner because of stress and anxiety. This way of breathing is limited to the upper part of the chest, and therefore we are said to breathe only at the level of the thorax and clavicles. ![]() ![]() When you practice the techniques suggested here, it is required that you breathe in through your nose, as the air is filtered and warmed up at the passage through the nose. Keep in mind that whenever you breathe in through your mouth, you inhale unfiltered and cold air. TECHNIQUE 1. Sit on a chair, spine straight, feet on the floor, and head up. 2. Place your hands on the navel and relax the shoulders. 3. Inhale through the nose and feel how the lower part of the abdomen becomes distended with air, so that the navel is pushed forth. The diaphragm goes down. 4. Relax the chest while exhaling forcefully through the mouth, so that the lower part of your abdomen is pulled back, as if you wanted to push the navel towards the spine. You will also feel how your penis and testicles are somewhat drawn upwards. 5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for 21 times. A few minutes of daily abdominal breathing will teach your body to breathe deeply again, in a natural manner, even when you sleep. While making love, this capacity is essential to prevent ejaculation and to expand the erotic sensations in your whole body. ![]() The abdominal breathing massages the internal organs and the prostate, and it relieves the sensation of pressure most men experience for the first time when they do not ejaculate. This sensation of pressure of tension in the genital area, which appears at all beginners in the practice of sexual continence, is caused by the stagnation of the sexual energy in the pelvic area. If the energy is not sublimated, it will lead to irritability, confusion, and edginess. Therefore, we wish to make it clear that the mere transmutation of the sexual potential energy (the transformation of sperm into sexual energy, or in other words the retention of the sperm inside the body and its transformation in other substances) is not enough to experience multiple all-body orgasms. This is the first step only. The next is the sublimation of this sexual energy, or in other words the actual flow of this energy through the subtle channel corresponding to the spine (you may even have unusual perceptions through the spine during this process) upwards. Therefore, the abdominal breathing is a highly important technique, as it sets in motion the sexual energy and it guides it "through" the spine, resulting in its sublimation from the genital area and in the suppression of the above-mentioned state of irritability, confusion, etc. ![]() ![]() ABDOMINAL LAUGHTER If you have had troubles with abdominal breathing (as most Westerners do) you may practice the abdominal laughter as well. What is abdominal laughter? It is the kind of laughter that makes the abdomen shake. It is the genuine laughter shared with your close friends. It is the laughter that makes you say you have stomach pain from laughing. This pain is due to the fact that we do not use these muscles very often. TECHNIQUE Sit comfortably on a chair, spine straight and feet on the floor. Place your hands on the abdomen, and remember all the funniest moments of your life. When laughter begins, let it grasp your entire being, until you feel your stomach vibrating. This kind of laughter is extremely helpful, as it relaxes the diaphragm, makes you breathe abdominally, and generate a great quantity of energy, which you may use later on. ![]() |