Meditation Music
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D A I L Y E X E R C I S E S F O R T H E ![]() Therefore, any man who desires to master the art of sexual continence will have to pay close attention to the exercises aiming to strengthen the PC muscle. This muscle sustains the pelvic floor, and is stretching from the pubic bone to the top of the coccys. This is also the muscle that contracts in the moment of ejaculation (in the case of men) or orgasm with discharging of the sexual energy (in the case of women). A powerful PC muscle contributes both to enhancing the erotic pleasure and to the control of the sexual energy. This is why we can say that the strengthening of the sexual muscle (PC muscle) is essential in the practice of sexual continence. As you already know from our previous articles, the contraction of an area brings about the concentration of the energy in that particular area. In the case of powerful contraction of the pubococcygeal muscle, the sexual energy is focused and then "expulsed" along the spine towards the upper centers of force. In other words, the PC muscle acts as a pumping system for the sexual energy, inside the body, to upper levels of consciousness. It goes almost without saying that the mental focus has an important part in the rising of the sexual energy. Therefore, the powerful contractions of the PC muscle should be accompanied by an appropriate mental focus in the upper centers of force (Anahata Chakra, Vishuddha Chakra, Ajna Chakra, or Sahasrara Chakra). Thus, the sexual energy building up and then "forced" upwards, through the contraction of the PC muscle, is then made to stay and accumulate mostly in the area in which we focus our mind. If we do this technique of focusing on a specific center of force during lovemaking, we will have the possibility of experiencing states of orgasm specific to that particular center of force. Another benefit drawn from a good development of the PC muscle is the reduction of the risk of prostate problems. Moreover, in both men and women, a healthy, strong PC muscle decreases the danger of bladder problems, because the contractions of the muscular tissue in that area increases the blood-flow ensuring the health of the genitalia and of the bladder. IDENTIFYING THE PC MUSCLE The first step in performing these exercises is to identify this muscle. You may do this as follows: place two fingers behind the testicles, without pressuring. Simulate that you urinate and that you wish to stop the flow of urine. For a more accurate approach we recommend that you do this check up while actually urinating. The muscle that will become tense at the point when you stop the urine is the PC muscle. ![]() ![]() This is the first exercise that you will perform daily: 1. Contract the PC muscle and maintain the contraction for 3 seconds. Do not hold your breath while you contract the muscle. Breathe as freely as possible. 2. Relax the PC muscle. 3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 twenty to fifty times. The advantage of this exercise is that you may perform it anywhere, and anytime. You may do it while you shower, immediately after you went to the toilet, while you watch TV or any other routine activity. PART 1 | PART 2 ![]() |