Meditation Music
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T H E F U N D A M E N T A L T E C H N I Q U E S O F ![]() ![]() In the lymphatic vessels the circulation of the liquids is activated through the slow and firm gliding of the hands. To prevent the hindering of the blood circulation through the arteries - in which the blood flows in a reverse sense - the movements are not fluid and continuous. During the softening there must be rhythmical variations in the intensity of the pressure - the movements of the sowing machine. How to do it: simultaneous or alternative movements The gliding of the hands on the massaged surfaces can be done with both hands at once ( simultaneous movements) or with one hand (alternative movements). The simultaneous movements are applied on the length of the body, so they are long or very long and they are most suitable for the back, for the arms and for the legs. The alternative methods are performed in three directions, and are divided into: - long alternative movements - are applied in the same manner as the simultaneous long movements, with the one difference that in this case only one hand will be massaging, or the other, in turns. - Medium alternative movements - these movements are not longitudinal, they are oblique and are applied on the members and on the back. - Short alternative movements - which are transversal. Consequently, the alternative movements will use one hand at a time, and the long gliding will lose the speed and pressure, becoming slow, while the short movements will have a more alert rhythm and an increased pressure. The very short and pressed movements have a large applicability in the treatment of the nodes as well as in dissipating the infiltrations in the profound tissues. ![]() The most important effect of the softening is reflected on the blood circulation in the capillary and superficial vessels as well as on the lymphatic circulation. The action on the circulation occurs in two ways: a) The mechanic way: through the effleurage manoeuvres the massage acts directly on the superficial blood vessels, influencing the pushing of the column of venal blood in the sense in the normal flow (centripetal). One can act also on the profound circulation, when the softening is performed with pressures in addition to the movements we described so far. In the case of the arms and legs, the profound circulation is influenced by the unequal softening, performed with a circular movement as a bracelet or a ring, around the receiver’s arm or leg. 1. The initial softening establishes the collaboration receiver - masseur. The receiver emerges into a state of physical and psychical relaxation. An important part in this respect plays the masseur, who sometimes has to recourse to an whole range of psychic arsenal including suggestion and seeking to induce in the receiver of the massage the auto-suggestion. 2. Through the increase level of energy, the peripheral circulation is accelerated, the cardiac solicitation is diminished, and the systolic contractions occur more rarely, determining the increase of the function of ejection. 3. Knowing the role of the sebum in the forming of the surface acid film, we may state that the function of the skin as an anti-microbe and anti-parasite agent is stronger. 4. The thermo-regulation occurs naturally. 5. After a consistent and persevering interval of massage sessions, in which the softening is thoroughly and responsibly done, there are notable results such as: the maintaining of the muscular tonus, of the suppleness and elasticity of the skin, and even the renewal of the epidermis. Therefore, the effleurage is considered as an genuine elixir of youth and an effective weapon in fighting aging. 6. Through the sweat the organism eliminates mineral substances (Na+, Cl+, K+, Ca+, P-) resulted from the degradation of the protein substances (urea, uric acid, creatin and ammoniac) and organic substances (lactic acid, etc.). A great part of these substances is the result of biochemical proses that occur during muscular contractions. ![]() ![]() b) the reflex way: the long movements, performed with a low intensity and slow rhythm have a soothing, calming action on the level of the nervous system and a relaxing action on the level of the musculature. At the same time, they stop or slow down the functions of the tissues or of the organs and diminish or inhibit the sensitivity, conductibility and reactivity at the level of the nerves. The short, vigorous softening movements, applied with increased rhythm and intensity have arousing effects. We know that the temperature of the skin is incriminated in the perception of pain (a low temperature diminishes it). This is why, in the case of post-traumatic lesions, the massage consists in softenings using ice, until the appearance of the analgesic effect.