Meditation Music
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T H E Z O D I A C A L "P L A Y" The archetype of the Father: the self-determined person, distinguished by a great authority, strong-willed, but protective, severe but generous, who helps us to do our best, having a great power to coordinate and a strong impact upon the others. The archetype of the Virgin (Nun): embodies the aspiration towards purity, it is the erotic world unexplored, the potential energy that is not yet aroused or which is completely subordinated to a mental or spiritual aim. The archetype of the Lover: is manifested by a person whose intention is to transmit to the others, by means of very different ways, love, beauty, harmony, warmth and the joy of establishing a more intimate relationship; it represents the fulfillment of human love and soul communications. The archetype of the Alchemist: represents the power of complete transformation of the low impulses and basic energies into spiritual forces by means of the alchemic power of transmutation and sublimation and the ability of regeneration. The archetype of the Great Priest / Priestess: represents the human being devoted to a high moral or spiritual ideal, who can guide and give advice and support and who brings with him benediction. The archetype of the Hermit: represents the idea of detachment of the physical existence, the control of the emotions, the renunciation to the human pleasure, the ascesis and the complete orientation towards spiritual realization by the control of the ego. The archetype of the Friend: is the manifestation of the altruism embodied by the human being who has renounced to the self affirmation and is completely devoted to the humanity, realizing the fact that every man is a perfect image of the Universe; he dedicate himself to the fellow-men, being the cosmic friend of everyone, without expecting any reward or recognition. The archetype of the Saint (Mystic): illustrates the synthesis between the power of the Divine love and compassion and a deep, intuitive understanding of the Divine laws; it is the union of all tendencies and their final dissolution into a sacred perspective that leads to transcendence. Beyond classifications, the archetypes are intrinsically valuable, leading us, by experiencing them consciously, to the fulfillment of the Androgynal State.