Meditation Music
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H O W C A N I H A V E M U L T I P L E O R G A S M S ? ![]() ![]() If a man makes love and reaches the point of non-return, he will reach the climax and then sink into the stupor of post-ejaculatory abyss. After ejaculation, most men discover that they are at the minimal stage of their ejaculation and that they have to climb back gradually. However, most men think that the purpose of lovemaking is ejaculation. Ejaculatory orgasm may appear as a passionate race, but after you experience the ecstatic, prolonged bliss of multiple orgasms, this ejaculatory discharge will seem fade and disappointing, unable to stand the comparison. HOW CAN I HAVE MULTIPLE ORGASMS? As in the case of any orgasm you experimented so far, you will sense first excitation (either because of a physical stimulus, or because of a thought, fantasy, etc.). This state of excitement usually leads to erection and, if the stimulation begins, you may experience different degrees of excitation, until reaching the "contraction" stage of an orgasm. This stage is in fact the crossroads, as it may lead either to ejaculation, or to multiple orgasms. During the contraction stage, you may perceive a series of contractions of the prostate gland, each of them lasting from three to five seconds. Although the intensity of these pleasant pelvic orgasms varies, and they may often be just as intense as the orgasms in the ejaculatory phase, in the beginning they may be moderate. Now is the moment when you have to decide: instead of going on, continuing to the point of non-return, followed inevitably by ejaculation, or stop for some moments, until you are in control of your excitation rhythm by slowing down your respiratory rhythm and maintaining a calm and attentive attitude. ![]() The level of the arousal will gradually decrease, preparing another genital orgasm. Such multiple orgasms will lead to a different level of arousal, which builds up each time. Important note: if you crave for the orgasms in the contractile phase, there is a great risk for you to ejaculate. Most men have discovered that they have to cease all stimulation right before experiencing this type of orgasm. Many men practicing sexual continence tell how they "withdraw" in non-ejaculatory orgasms instead of rushing on to ejaculate. The idea is to be able to "stay" in this point without reaching the point of non-return. You will thus feel the pleasure of the contractions of the PC muscle, as well as those of the anal muscles. It is up to each man how close he may get to experience the multiple orgasms from the contraction phase. You will experience waves of ecstatic pleasure, and if your lover is a multi-orgasmic woman, who practices the sexual continence as well, you are heading for paradise, as both of you will experience states of prolonged orgasms. You no longer need to worry about making your lover orgasm, and then have an orgasm of your own. The two of you rather have the opportunity to experience in the same time intense states of pleasure and happiness. ![]() ![]() Once you succeed in sublimating this energy, you will discover in amazement that you experience orgasmic sensations with other parts of your body, ones that you never considered orgasmic before. The voluntary contraction of the PC muscle is also a great help in increasing your sensitivity of the pelvic area, as well as in controlling the orgasms in the contraction phase. If you should ejaculate - which may happen while you are in the beginning of this practice - do not feel highly disappointed, not frustrated. However, such experiences must not repeat too often. Nonetheless, transform them into opportunities to experience and to know better your body and its mechanisms. Remember that practice requires time, and intimacy, both for yourself, and for your lover.