Meditation Music
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L E T U S D I S C O V E R T H E W O M A N ![]() ![]() This stairway to the essence of the woman is built from the stairs of the physical, psychical, mental and spiritual knowledge, and melts in the ecstasy of the complete merger with the eternal feminine. Therefore, the Tantric and Taoist masters revealed the mysteries of lovemaking involving sexual continence, through which, starting from the physical union of the man with the woman one may get to their mystical, divine union, reconstructing the primordial Unity. However, this is not an easy path, as it may appear at a first look. This path involves plenty of qualities, beginning with physical ones and ending with spiritual qualities, which the two lovers engaged on this path have to acquire in their being. So far, in the articles from this section we insisted on obtaining the control of the energies through the techniques of sexual continence, as this represents the first step to be made on the Tantric path. In parallel with the effort to control the sexual energy, the man needs to try and know the woman deeper and deeper. Only thus he will be able to merge with her and only thus he will be able to reach the divine ecstasy. ![]() ![]() Consequently, this knowledge should come from love, it should be achieved with love, and it should generate love. THE RETURN TO THE VALUES OF THE ORIENT The Occident has focused predominantly on the individual, as fundamental unity of the society, orienting the people towards the development of their own qualities and personality. This exacerbated tendency lead to the break between the man and the woman in the modern societies. This does not mean that the awakening and development of one’s own qualities is a wrong orientation; nonetheless, when this orientation does not leave room for the awakening of the superior consciousness, within the couple, which is the true fundament of the creation, it becomes destructive. The man and the woman were not created to fight one against the other, but to please one another endlessly and to achieve through their union also the union of the opposites. ![]() ![]() The newly weds would receive "bedroom books" from which they would learn how to please one another. Unfortunately, in the Occident such a tradition is out of the question; there has never been a preoccupation in teaching a couple the secrets of lovemaking, and the only source of erotic knowledge are the pornographic movies and magazines. It is obvious that they are not a genuine initiation in the mysteries of lovemaking. Hollywood lovemaking is not an authentic lovemaking; it is simply quick sex.