Meditation Music
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B E C O M E A W A R E O F Y O U R O W N ![]() ![]() According to the Taoism, we, as human beings need to feel the sexual arousal daily, as it represents the life-giving force of sexual energy. When we are sexually aroused, the amount of sexual hormones (considered in Taoism as "the fountain of youth") increases substantially. Consequently, the more we become aware of this energy and we learn how to direct it, the better we become capable of perceiving this rejuvenating energy at any moment. BECOMING AWARE OF YOUR AROUSAL In order to become a multi-orgasmic man, you need to be perfectly aware of the speed with which you reach the sexual arousal. Very few men pay attention to their own rhythm of sexual arousal. Instead, they pass on from erection to ejaculation like race cars, without taking the time to notice, enjoy, and watch the road they are walking on. In the incipient stages of arousal, the penis becomes swollen, gaining in length and thickness, as the tissue is swollen with blood. ![]() Almost any man has had the strange experience of being incapable of getting an erection once they were with a woman. Occasional inability of getting an erection is due to what the psychologist Bernie Zilbergeld called "the penis' wisdom". This fact indicates that you have to pay special attention to certain aspects in your personal relationship, or it may be a sign that you are under pressure or stressed. If a man has repeatedly had problems in getting an erection, his problem is called impotence, term which carries a meaning of weakness and lack of vigour. In Tantra, this term does not exist. You may recourse to the solo exercises in order to get a stronger erection, and the lovemaking techniques for couples and you will not have to face this problem again. THE PHASES OF ERECTION Most men believe that there are two situations: either they are aroused, or not; either they have an erection, or they do not. At youth, men get erections so often and so fast that it becomes difficult to distinguish between the levels of excitation. Nonetheless, the Taoists distinguish four levels of arousal: The first: firmness and dilatation The second: thickness The third: hardness The fourth: heating ![]() ![]() At the first level, the penis begins to move and becomes erect. At the second, it is firm, but not hard - at least not hard enough to penetrate the woman's vagina (unless you use the technique of Flabby Penetration). At the third, it is erect and hard. In the fourth, it is very hard and hot. During this last stage, the testicles enter the man's body. If you maintain the third level, without reaching the fourth, it will be easier to avoid ejaculation. The sublimation of the sexual energy will prevent the penis to reach the fourth level, in which it is hard and hot. If you feel you are about to enter the fourth level, anxious and explosive and you want to become aware of the third and fourth levels of arousal, you have to learn to relax the pelvic muscles and thus sublimate the sexual energy more easily.