Meditation Music
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T H E T R A N S F I G U R A T I O N - T H E F U N D A M E N T A L ![]() ![]() A SECOND OF LACK OF ATTENTION TRANSFORMS THE DIVINE EROTIC GAME IN A USUAL ONE If the man loses this state of transfiguration, even for a moment, and if he sees again the regular woman in front of him, not a spark of the divine light, then the lovemaking has turned into a regular, common act. This state of transfiguration needs to be permanent, continuous, and only then the lovemaking is no longer a meeting between two bodies but between two fundamental principles, the masculine and the feminine. This depends on the ritual and the fantasy of the two people involved. Sometimes the Tantric technique and the pure spontaneity are intermingled and all you do after this state can only be spiritual, because the individualities have disappeared and only the Divine has remained. A transfigured woman may preserve this state grace to an effort of the consciousness and she may also lose it if she does not have the required focus. Consequently, the transfiguration is as much the process of transformation as it is of preserving this transformation. THROUGH SUCCESSIVE TRANSFIGURATIONS, WE MAY ACCESS ALL THE MODUS EXISTENTIA Thus, the transfiguration has a relative tone, not an absolute one. Let’s say that a woman reaches the state of incarnate goddess, through transfiguration and although she lives in a physical body she experiences her deity all the time. Or, even more concretely: a woman has a predominant activation of Anahata chakra. She is superior to the other women whose regular predominant level is on Swaddhistana chakra - the sexual center. But remember that Anahata chakra in itself is an universe, so this special woman becomes a regular woman as compared to the beings with predominance on Anahata chakra. Thus, again, through a new transfiguration she may accede to a new condition, activating her Vishuddha chakra. Thus, we get to realize the relative character of transfiguration, and the fact that through successive transfigurations a person may climb the possibilities ranged from the regular level to the ultimate state of freedom. THE TRANSFUGURATION THROUGH THE VIEW OF THE RESONANCE CONCEPT In the universe, in the manifested world, all can be reduced to energy vibrating on certain frequencies. ![]() This identification of a certain person with an inferior hypostasis is actually produced through the phenomena of resonance with the energy characteristic to that particular type of vibration. We mentioned the process of resonance for a better understanding of the assertion of denial of the transfiguration. From this point of view, the transfiguration implies two different aspects. The negative aspect of transfiguration is the cut of an inferior resonance and the positive aspect is the creation of a new, superior resonance. THE EXPERIENCE OF A SUPERIOR STATE DETERMINES THE SUPPRESSION OF THE INFERIOR STATE A person who transfigures himself or herself from an inferior way of living, of the regular person, to the condition of a genius simply shifts, through the phenomena of resonance into the sphere of resonance of the geniuses. Although it may appear that first there is the denial and then the assertion, this means the cut of the inferior resonance and then the creation of the superior one, most of the times the order is reversed: first happens the creation of a new, superior resonance and only then the cut from the old one. Consequently, you need to realize and meditate upon the fact that calling the good, the evil is eliminated. Thus, the mental of the common, regular person does not stand to experience the emptiness that remains after the inferior resonance is cut, unless this place is quickly filled with a superior resonance. This is an important aspect as many people when trying to cut the inferior resonance, do not seek a superior, better replacement and then their consciousness quickly comes back to the previous state. ![]() ![]() An important tip: when transmigrating do not think about the level you are about to pass, but think about the superior level you are about to see. We need to aspire to this new, transfigured state and to allow ourselves to be attracted to it with all our forces, to allow ourselves be fascinated by it and to simply enter the new universe opening up in front of us.