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T H E E X T R A O R D I N A R Y P O W E R O F S E X U A L ![]() ![]() Retaining sperm is the first step a man must take in order to reverse the cycle where he pays an exorbitant and useless price for his sexual satisfaction, without getting to experience ecstasy. RETAINING THE SEMINAL FLUID Many diverging opinions have emerged across time, regarding the secret sexuality potion. The sage of the Orient have understood a long time ago that the controlled and loving sexual act can lead to making up the latent powers of mind and body. The act of love has always been considered gainful, spiritualising, a spring of happiness. The Taoist masters have discovered the principles of immortality in it. By exercising your control over certain muscles, tendons and tissue in the inferior part of your body and by transmitting the genital tension through the entire body, you can retain the seminal fluid. ![]() A man who is the master of this method will discover a completely different kind of outlook on sexuality and will see on his own the extent to which his life has changed for the better. The couple becomes a generator of huge quantities of energy. By using this method you will be able to make love more often, not to mention the psycho-mental effects that will affect your relationship in a totally beneficial manner. Moreover, the spiritual effects of this method are not to be overlooked. 15 LITRES OF SEMINAL FLUID You can estimate that a man ejaculates approximately 5000 times in a lifetime, the equivalent of 15 litres of sperm. The statistics give us details about the ejaculating frequency of a common American.
Let's think of KINSEY'S estimating 5000 ejaculations in a lifetime (this is a statistic from the fifties). In order to find out the quantity of the seminal fluid that is lost normally: This means approx. 15 litres of seminal fluid. A man looses approx. 2-5 cmc during a normal ejaculation. This quantity contains 200-500 million of individual sperm cells. ![]() ![]() This is an amazing statement. In a common ejaculation 2-5 million spermatozoa are discharged/eliminated. Distributed to 250 million eggs, one single ejaculation might generate the actual population of USA. By multiplying it with 5000 ejaculations, we get the numeric indicator of the seminal power. A man ejaculates a quantity large enough to create a trillion human lives. There is the capacity in a man of creating a quantity of energy 200 times bigger than the atomic bomb. If this huge reserve of psychic energy would be directed towards love and harmony, the inhabitants of our planet would have been eternally happy. Occidental scientists might find this idea amusing. In fact, anybody might find it amusing! To say that in the sperm of a single man exists a huge vital potential might appear as bordering insanity. Nevertheless, despite the apparent utopia and lack of common sense this is the truth! By keeping this force within us, we will be able to assimilate huge quantities of energy and to focus them on our inner capacities. Consequently, if this energy is assimilated inside, the effects of this assimilation can differ from one individual to another. There are not two people having the same reaction or the same type of energy. Some people develop their physical force more than others; they are more resistant to certain diseases. Other people use this huge potential to evolve spiritually. Whatever direction you take, you have got the capacity of substantially enriching your active life by adapting creatively to the environment. ![]() The actions and reactions of many men are still confined by the influence of their biological instincts. But when they reach a higher level of understanding, the achievement of the ultimate freedom will prevail over the influence of instincts. This is not against our nature. We are created with the power of cultivating our energy to a level where the rule of the physical body is a very simple thing. Men have conceived the nuclear weapon and have sent people to the Moon. Then why shouldn't we use our mind in order to rule and control our body, which is closer than the Moon? Scientific explanations are so unimportant compared to the capacity of creating 4 billion unique human beings, each of them with creative intelligence. Modern theoretical physics admits that today it is impossible to analyse the ecstatic act of creation. Quantum physics accepted the perspective that there is no physical particle on the basis of creation of the world. There are only multiple universes of space and time, brought together in the infinite formatting energetic fields. Sexual energy is a field of force generated inside the body that interacts with great cosmic fields through complex processes and phenomena of resonance. The scientists of today cannot understand this connection, not even today. But there is no reason that says we should wait 500 years for science to explain us sexuality, while each human is able to experience his own manifestation of the sexual energetic field. Oriental masters were true scientists with a true power of introspection and self-analysis, who devoted their lives to human evolution through spirituality. Each generation has tested the practices that have been transmitted to them and tried to enrich them. The methods have changed in time, but the principle remained the same: the seminal power is a gigantic force and men can use it any time they want to. The subtle essence of seminal substance is the "fuel" that helps the conscious spirit expands to infinite. |