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A N U N I F I E D T H E O R Y O F C O N S C I O U S N E S S by Dinu Roman ![]() ![]() Tantra relies upon the practical realization of its teachings. Here we are not dealing with endless talking and argumentation but instead with engaging ourselves fully and thoroughly in an exceptional practice which can lead the practitioner to Freedom, Pure Existence, Super-Consciousness, Beatitude and super-normal powers (Siddhi-s). The Sahitya Tantra advises:
In the same way that benefits can be obtained only by using a remedy, the truth of the Tantric Science can really be proved only through successful practice. However, it is necessary to stress here that the Tantric practitioner develops and perfects his Siddhis only for the purpose of raising himself at the level of the Supreme Being and from there to fuse eternally with the Absolute. The Siddhis have no value per se; they are only a modality. But all these powers cannot be obtained by only talking about Tantra, for tireless practice and direct experimentation only can lead to such unusual achievements. About this, there is no doubt. THE LIBIDO THIRST FOR UNITY Another important aspect in Tantra Yoga, which is stressed out in the teachings at NATHA, is that the libido, when manifested as sexual drive, is not at all considered to be only sensuality but, at the innermost levels, as the soul's ardent yearning for spiritual perfection. Here the erotic impulse appears as the psyche's abyssal thirst to reach perfection through unity of complementary polar opposites. In this way, re-born as a genuine Androgyne of the Secret Tradition magical child of Shiva and Shakti the Individual Spirit will have access to the highest levels of Consciousness. THE MAGNETIC WOMAN, THE ELECTRIC MAN Tantra teaches that, energetically speaking, woman is magnetic, passive, lunar, receptive and charged with power of negative polarity (Yin). In multiple ways, she attracts, absorbs and stores subtle energy which remains latent. When connected in a proper way with the male electric, dynamic and positively charged subtle energy (Yang), the female energy undertakes a complex alchemical reaction and thus the couple generates an energetic power station. This is very easy to verify. Certain Tantric techniques enable the practitioner to verify that the bioenergetic differences of polarity between man and woman are energized to the highest extent through the love play and that a mutual exchange between these two forms of energy (Yin/female, Yang/male) takes place during sexual intercourse in which the two partners harmonize themselves on multiple levels. Performed in the Tantric way (successive orgasms without ejaculation) these unions can intensify and develop the latent extra-sensorial capacities and the mental power of both partners beyond any expectations. The couple who practice Tantric sexual union use the subtle energies of the man's body and the complementary energies of the woman's body for attaining the state of harmony with the Absolute. ![]() RETENTION THE UNTOLD SECRET It is important to emphasize that Tantra substantiates its techniques of spiritual development on the perfect yet effortless control of the sexual energy. Here the point is to return to the practitioner the enormous amount of raw sexual energy contained in semen and in the correspondent female orgasmic emanations in such a way that this subtle energy may be sublimated and its efficiency used for higher purposes, i.e. psycho-mental and spiritual. Being in perfect physical, emotional and mental health is a must for approaching any of the sexual practices of Tantrism taught in this School. Modern civilization leaves its mark upon our integrity, so we need to open up and to re-learn to experience as intensely as possible our senses. While it is true that cultivating the sensory awareness, here being included different techniques of amplifying the sexual pleasure and of opening up to experience deep sexual orgasm, can be a useful preparation for Tantra, these incipient techniques are not Tantra yet if they are not accompanied by a total, yet effortless, control. Tantra, in accord with the Science of the ancient Sages (Siddhas) teaches that the sexual reproductive power (the Life Force) can be transmuted into superior forms of energy called Ojas and Tejas. The practitioner causes his seed to rise up to his crown center (Sahasrara), where it becomes transformed into Soma, the Nectar of Immortality. Through the Tantric procedures, the semen is took over by the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system consists of the fluid (lymph) that bathes the tissues, being similar in composition with plasma. The lymph contains white cells involved in the immunity system of the body. These white cells produce antibodies, special substances which attack the foreign organisms (microbes, etc.) and render them harmless. Through the lymphatic system, the semen reaches the brain (Corpus Callosum) where it is processed into extremely subtle energies (Ojas and Tejas) used by the higher mind. As the physical brain needs oxygen and proteins to function properly, the higher mind (superconsciousness) needs big quantities of Ojas and Tejas energy. The Tejas energy is that energy which produces the halo around the saints' head. The Ojas energy is that energy which confers an extraordinary vigor, power and virility. The transmuting of the semen's energy into Ojas and Tejas does not take place only in men. Women who practice Tantra Yoga realize the transmutation of that energy which produces the ova and the menstrual cycle. These energies are transformed into Ojas and Tejas exactly as in the men's case. As a result, the menstrual cycle becomes scarce or even disappears completely, and the ovulation process slows down or even stops. Nevertheless, when the conception of a baby is desired, the energies are permitted to accumulate at the pelvic area, the ovulation returns to normal and the menstrual cycle appears again. NATHA Nordisk Center for Spirituel Udvikling Tel. +45 33 93 08 58 E-mail: natha@natha.dk Danmark |