Meditation Music
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B H U W A N E S H W A R I In other words, the endless space can be assimilated to repose, rest, peace and perfect equanimity. This ineffable state is granted through Bhuwaneshwari’s grace and consequently one needs to obtain Bhuwaneshwari’s grace in order to find supreme peace and tranquillity. Bhuwaneshwari represents the power of openness and infinite expansion, of equanimity in spirit and profound peace that contains in it all things and that cannot be disturbed. Indeed we will be able to understand this assertion better when we evoke the tantric teachings referring to the Great Cosmic Power Bhuwaneshwari. These teachings say that the goddess is the originary space from which emerges any being and any thing. The Great Cosmic Power Bhuwaneshwari represents the Void in its creative form, from which then emerges the creation and which sustains the creation’s further development. It is important to underline the fact that this void is not the void anterior to the creation, which is transcendent and which is represented by the Great Cosmic Power Dhumavati. From the point of view of the location, Bhuwaneshwari is everywhere in the space. Practically, we can say that we are always in Bhuwaneshwari’s sphere of consciousness but beyond this reality that implies a macrocosmic reality, the goddess represents more the very subtle space of our hearts in which is contained mysteriously the whole manifestation and which at the same time represents the sacred place in which we may become one with the consciousness of our Supreme Immortal Self, through spontaneous, beatific revelation. Bhuwaneshwari offers you the enlightment and revelation of the Self. To what concerns the iconographic representation of the Great Cosmic Power Bhuwaneshwari, it resembles to the representation of Tripura Sundari, radiating a beneficial state. As we mentioned in our previous articles, the Great Cosmic Power Bhuwaneshwari has the colour of the rising sun, with the crescent moon on her forehead, four hands and three eyes. In two of her hands she holds a chain and respectively a stake, and with the other two hands she makes the gestures of casting away the fear (abhaya mudra) and the gesture of offering the wonderful spiritual gifts (varada mudra). Sometimes she is represented with a lotus and a jewel bowl in tow of her hands, and in other cases her left foot is placed on a jewel bowl. The Great Cosmic Power Bhuwaneshwari is sitting on a bed resembling a throne, which consists in representing the five forms of manifestation of the God Shiva, as we described them in the article about the Great Cosmic Power Tripura Sundari. From this throne, the Great Cosmic Power Bhuwaneshwari controls and organizes the movement of the entire universe. Different gods and goddesses who serve her and immediately obey her orders surround the Great Cosmic Power Bhuwaneshwari. Meditating with great perseverance on this beautiful goddess’s form, the sincere practitioner may obtain her infinite grace, become even enlightened, and reveal his or her supreme Self. Another modality through one may obtain her grace is to meditate on the reality of the infinite space. Another method is to develop and refine within ourselves the attitude of detached witnesses in the manifestation, witnesses who simply observe the various events, things, beings that may cross our paths, but without becoming ever identified with these aspects. Another modality is to try perseveringly to eliminate from our mind the idea that surrounding names and forms represent the Reality. This method is very resembling to the practices from Jnana Yoga, and are based on the fact that everything we know is based on an over positioning of names and forms, which are in fact just conventions, over an unknown presence, which is nothing else but the creative void supported by an infinite energy. Of all these spiritual processes of worshipping the Divine Mother Bhuwaneshwari, becoming perfectly detached from the illusionary nature of the dual aspects of the cosmic illusion and manifesting a sincere and complete openness towards finding the Supreme Truth represent the most indicated ways of adoring Her and also of honouring the charming presence of the Great Cosmic Power Bhuwaneshwari.