Meditation Music
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B R A H M A - T H E G O D O F C R E A T I O N ![]() ![]() According to "Shatapatha Brahman" writing, the creator was born from Brahman, God. Wishing to create the universe Brahman first created the water, in which he placed his seed. This seed transformed into a golden egg, from which Brahma appeared. According to the Purana, Brahma is the Son of God and the feminine energy Maya. Nonetheless, there are other sources sustaining that Maya is Brahma's daughter or wife. Maya is the symbol of the cosmic illusion, whose veil does not allow mortals to perceive God. Maya has two aspects: Avidya Maya, the ignorance that estranges mortals from God, and enslaves him more and more into the universe of the senses, and Vidya Maya, the liberating knowledge that gradually leads mortals to the ineffable and intoxicating communion with God. The Tantrism promotes the idea that as the Supreme God governs all the destines and all the things in the universe, it is highly important that He is auspicious to us. In order to accomplish this, they yogis have developed a technique of identification with Brahma, which will help us gain the inner attitude that accelerates our spiritual progress. This technique implies that we envisage ourselves wrapped in an aura shaped as an egg, bright yellow in color, emanating positive energy. ![]() It is advisable that we assign this exercise 10-15 minutes daily. We will note the gradual improvement in various domains of our lives. HIS BELOVED IS A MASTER IN THE 64 ARTS "Saraswati, Brahma's feminine counterpart radiates more than the light of ten billions moons. Her ornaments are purified in the heavenly fire. She is the mother of the Veda-s, the embodiment of nature and the patron of the arts and sciences. Saraswati is always smiling and her beauty surpasses all imagination. Her body is covered in jewels and pearls. When the identification with Saraswati is perfect, all the 64 arts become known." (Saraswati Stotra) Brahma's feminine counterpart, Saraswati is the goddess governing wisdom and sciences. The Sanskrit term "sara" means "essence" and "swa" means "self", consequently the translation for Saraswati is the essence of the self. Saraswati symbolizes Brahma's creative force. All those seeking knowledge, mainly teachers, professors, scientists, students, worship the goddess Saraswati. She is very beautiful, gracious and young. Saraswati is also the master of the 64 arts, of which the art of love is the first and most important. Her representation is that of a woman with four arms, dressed in a white sari, sitting on a white lotus flower. The swan that accompanies her is also white, the color of peace. ![]() ![]() In her left hands she wears a necklace of pearls, symbolizing meditation and contemplation, as well as the path leading to samadhi, the total experience of God. Her four arms stand for her omnipresence and omnipotence. The front arms reflect her presence and action in the physical world, and her back arms her active presence in the spiritual world.