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A N U N I F I E D T H E O R Y O F C O N S C I O U S N E S S by Dinu Roman ![]() ![]() BIOLOGICAL TRANSMUTATION The phenomenon of transmutation of the sexual energy has as scientific basis the phenomenon of Biological Transmutation. Biological transmutation is the process through which a living organism can produce controlled nuclear reactions of transmutation (transformation of an element into another by nuclear reaction) at low temperatures, with slow release of huge quantities of energy. Biological transmutation of the sexual energy is therefore the transmutation, with slow release of a huge quantity of energy, of the atoms contained in the sexual potential through continence. The characteristics of biological transmutation are:
The process of controlled biological transmutation leads to the gradual awakening of the inner paranormal powers of the mind, reaching altered (higher) states of consciousness, awakening of intelligence, emotional balance, a state of constant happiness, etc. Through consciously and effortlessly controlling the sexual function (orgasm without ejaculation) of the human body, complex reactions of biological transmutation take place, leading to a slow and continuous release of an enormous quantity of energy, which can be directed, through sublimation to higher levels of being, for a specific purpose (magical, spiritual). Tantra teaches secret techniques (for example Oli Mudras or Shakti Mudras) through which the biological transmutation can be initiated and accelerated into the practitioners body (both man and women). ![]() THE MAGICAL SPRING Tantras teachings use sexuality for completely transcending it. Even at the level of ordinary sexual experiences, the couple sometimes has the strange and powerful feeling that sexual intercourse releases a tremendous energy inside the human psyche. Frequently superior and nostalgic truths can be inferred in this state. Pedro McGregor in his famous "Psychosexual Synthesis" confirms the Tantric teachings concerning sexuality. Our burning sexual or emotional beatitudes are nothing other than a degenerated mysterious enthusiasm. Our highest and noblest spiritual yearnings, the whole of our transcendental and sublime potential, would be somehow imprisoned in matter, i.e. in sexuality. This enthusiasm is materialized, therefore limited, absorbed and inert. It is logical to consider that a conscious change in our sexual behavior and in our most intimate attitudes could act as a magical spring, releasing truly super-human energies in the same way that a controlled mutation in the intimate structure of the atom can release a tremendous amount of nuclear energy. THE ENERGY OF INTENSE EMOTIONS Therefore, another important characteristic of the Tantric Way, which is very much emphasized at NATHA, is that spiritual growth is realized through extreme intensity of energy spontaneously born during the passionate living of intense emotions, including both sexual and non-sexual emotions. The Supreme Existence reveals itself instantaneously during the tumult of violent emotions such as extreme terror, vivid curiosity, deep compassion, total anger, profound pleasure.
When controlled and directed by a lucid mind, this paramount intensity of the extreme emotions creates the instantaneous welding of all levels of the human being (physical-sexual, emotional and mental-spiritual) which are normally disconnected and therefore acting independently. Thus, the practitioner becomes aware of the inner abyssal power that lies within himself and starts to bring it to the surface. The transcendence of the inferior levels of consciousness is realized through an exceptionally frantic living of every moment of everyday life. In this way, the duality disappears into the flashing unity of the Supreme Consciousness, without change (Nirvikalpa). NATHA Nordisk Center for Spirituel Udvikling Tel. +45 33 93 08 58 E-mail: natha@natha.dk Danmark |