Meditation Music
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K A L I ![]() ![]() Then Kali (as supreme Shakti) assumes the responsibility of creating the names, as well as of their evolution. Kali is also known under the name of ADIMAHAVIDYA, the first of the Great Cosmic Powers, but this should not mislead us, as it does not imply any hierarchy, but rather the idea of order in the cosmic evolution. Kali is also named ADYASHAKTI, in her quality of energy and terrible Cosmic Power who impels humankind towards action and the universe towards manifestation. Kali's representation reveals her nakedness. This is not a trivial manner of representing a deity, but instead this fact stands for the transcendence of all limitations. Her action in the manifested world implies the destroying and in the same time purifying action of time (Kala). This aspect is suggested by the human head she holds in one of her hands. However, as the yogi is more and more concerned with spiritual aspects, and firmly oriented towards obtaining spiritual freedom at all costs, he or she will be blessed with Kali's overwhelming grace. ![]() One of the most important hypostasis in which one can worship Kali is the goddess Durga, the one who defeated the demon Mahishashura. This demon represents in the Hindu spirituality the forces of the dark. The Vedanta philosophy presents the conception according to which there are the Divine Embodiments (avatara) who come on earth in order to perform a deep transformation of mankind. For the worshipper of God in the aspect of the Divine Mother, Durga is the only hypostasis that destroys the evil of the world in its numerous demoniac and satanic aspects. Thus, the Hindu mythology describes how the goddess has vanquished the demons and their king, Mahishashura, saving the gods from captivity and set up again the divine order in the universe. The spiritual significance of this myth is that each human being has inside both good and bad, and these energies constantly fight for supremacy. Durga, embodiment of the goddess Kali grants her support and help to those who ask for it and worship her, so that the spiritual forces develop and gain supremacy over the dark, negative influences of the psychic and mental. ![]() ![]() HER FORCE AWAKENS KUNDALINI The sadhana or spiritual practice recommended for the worship of the Great Cosmic Power Kali implies the effort of purifying and activating the centers of force, so that the fundamental energy Kundalini ascends from Muladhara chakra to Sahasrara. The ascension of Kundalini represents one of the characteristic and most important aspects of this Great Cosmic Power's worship, and is correlated with the practice of sexual continence, according to the principles of the Tantric doctrine. The mysterious influence of Kali is so complex and hidden that only few pure souls may see through her actions their real significance. We meet a frequent representation of Kali as the Cosmic Mother, surrounded by a great number of different gods and goddesses. Lacking any dimensions or spatial-temporal limits, she takes on different forms and names in order to meet her worshiper's most secret desires. ![]() In her most elevated aspects, Kali is the Divine Bliss itself, that which is beyond ordinary human perception, and the nature and consciousness of the Divine Brahman himself. Consequently, there are two ways of worshipping her: as the great Goddess bestowing her grace and blessings upon all those who deserve it, and as holy energy (Shakti) who grants spiritual freedom (Kaivalya). |