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T R I P U R A B H A I R A V I ![]() ![]() As we already mentioned in our previous articles, the Great Cosmic Power Tripura Bhairavi represents the terrible form of manifestation of God. She is in close connection with Chandi, the terrible, "angry" aspect of God. This goddess is at the same time the goddess worshiped in the famous Hindu poem "Devi Mahatmya". This poem is also named "Durga Saptasati" or simply "Chandi" and it describes the way in which the Great Goddess defeats all demons opposing Her. This is partly why Tripura Bhairavi is also known as the "warrior woman", who, through Her powers manifested as divinely inspired speech and extraordinary force of the subtle fire leads to a tremendous purification in the devotee's heart. She eliminates all the obstacles standing in the path of the awakening and elevation of the devotee's consciousness. In her aspect of Chandi, one can invoke the Great Cosmic Power Tripura Bhairavi in order to eliminate the obstacles that tend to block the path towards pleasure, prosperity, harmony and spiritual freedom. Another form of manifestation for the Great Cosmic Power Tripura Bhairavi is the goddess Mahishasura Mardini, the ten arms glorious defeater of the demon Mahishasura, who is the embodiment of burning passions, especially sexual passions that tie the human being to this world of illusion and suffering through negative karma. THE FIRE OF ALCHEMY REVEALS THE DIVINE BEAUTHY As in the case of the Great Cosmic Power Tripura Sundari, the Great Cosmic Power Tripura Bhairavi is "existing in and governing over the three worlds of the Creation". ![]() The tantric wisdom says that the human being goes naturally on the path from "terrible" to "beautiful". In other words, first the devotee has to face the transforming action of the heat and light of the terrible spiritual fire (Tripura Bhairavi), and only afterwards he or she will get to enjoy the "cooling" and divine beauty offered by Tripura Sundari. HER BRIGHTNESS PURIFIES THE UNIVERSES On the other hand, the three-folded aspect of the Great Cosmic Power Tripura Bhairavi refers to agni (fire), vidyut (lightning) and surya (sun), which represent the three forms of light characteristic to the three worlds, the inferior world, the intermediary world and the superior world, corresponding to the physical, astral and causal universes. The Great Cosmic Power Tripura Bhairavi is also depicted in the form of the three goddess who defeated the demons, from the text Devi Mahatmya. These goddesses are Mahalakshmi, Mahakali and Mahasarasvati, representing the three great forms of Lakshmi, Vishnu's consort, Kali, Shiva's consort, and respectively Sarasvati, Brahma's consort. These represent the three great forms of the Great Cosmic Power Tripura Bhairavi, as destroyer of the obstacles and hardships on the spiritual path. SHE BRINGS HARMONY INTO THE DEVOTEE'S LIFE The Great Cosmic Power Tripura Bhairavi is also the consort of Shiva in His frightening aspect, Bhairava. ![]() ![]() Shiva is the peace and tranquility that follow after the terrible display of Rudra's forces, whose main target is the "adjustment" of the devotee's life to the parameters of the divine laws and harmony. From this point of view, Rudra represents the terrible power of the divine logos, and therefore Bhairavi, His consort, is also known as Rudrani. The subtle dwelling of the Great Cosmic Power Tripura Bhairavi is the subtle centre of force Muladhara Chakra, placed at the base of the spine. The Great Cosmic Power Tripura Bhairavi represents actually the ascension of the fundamental energy Kundalini and its purifying action on all the levels of the human being.