Meditation Music
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A S I M P L E M E T H O D F O R R E V E A L I N G HOW TO PERFORM THIS TECHNIQUE In order to perform this simple and effective technique we need a mechanical hand watch. We should take it off and place it so that it reaches the height of our eyes. Then, in a state of detachment, and calmness, we will begin to stare at the secondary hand of the watch, without any moments of pause. At the same time, as you stare of the secondary hand of the watch, focus your attention on your inner state. In this manner, you will perform the synthesis of two apparently opposing attitudes, the expression of two opposed tendencies of your mind: an outward attitude, expressed through the staring at the watch, and an inner-directed one, expressed through the focus on your state of mind. Along with this double focus, we have to focus also on the idea: "I am...(your name) and I am here now. I am." We will try - as much as possible - to keep our mind focused only on this idea, while we follow detached and focused the secondary hand of the watch. We stay perfectly aware of our person, of our name, of the place we are in. The mental repetition of our name should not lead to a superficial identification with our ephemeral "I", but instead it should awake in us the consciousness of our unitary, divine consciousness. For a better understanding of this technique, we mention that we do not need to keep in mind this idea in an "obstinate", egoistic manner. Ultimately, this mental focus on the idea of "I" should become even non-verbalized, "felt", perceived intuitively. This exercise requires more than a simple thought about our existence, but the awareness of it. We should go beyond the thoughts and concepts to the direct, mysterious, and absolute knowledge of our existence. At this level, we will notice that this revelation is perfectly accessible to us, and due to a spiritual intuition, this experience will awaken inside of us something bright, extremely important and real. This very simple and important technique that will help anyone to get a step closer to the revelation of one's self, makes us discover that it is perfectly possible for each of us to awaken and reach the real awareness of the Self. Even at this level, we will have different thoughts. The images, feelings, aspirations will keep on coming and going, just as before, but we will perceive SIMULTANEOUSLY a different perception, just as a witness takes part detached and uninvolved to an event. This witness-consciousness will become a permanence in our lives and it will awaken and amplify inside of us a supra-mental force meant to alter, analyze and even stop the flow of thoughts, images and so on. This force is strong enough to catalyze the revelation of the divine self, Atman. Only at this stage, we may say that we have a stable inner structure, like an axis of our being, bringing along a real and perfectly aware consciousness of ourselves and of the world. Thus, being detached and preserving this witness-consciousness, we may say that we are on the right path in distinguishing between the Supreme Self (Atman) and the illusion of this world.