Meditation Music
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T H E A S A N A S O F H A P P I N E S ![]() ![]() Yoga performed together with your lover always opens up the possibility of deep, genuine communication between the two of you, and this communication bonds you closer on levels beyond the customary ones. Yoga together with your lover may deepen your physical, erotic, psychic, mental and spiritual relationship in unbelievable ways. Doing yoga together brings harmony, refinement, beauty and utter strength to your relationship. The relationship you're having acts as a mirror reflecting your deepest secrets. Nonetheless, couple yoga may help you become aware of the unknown pattern manifested in your relationship and in your relationships with other people. A beautiful relationship not only brings soul lifting to the two lovers, but also may transform for the better other people who interact with this particular couple. If the couple also practices sexual continence, then their sphere of action may extend to an incredible number of people. Just as the light of one single candle lit in a dark room casts away the darkness, the same way true love will always radiate the light of happiness. Even when we do not suspect it, love is the supreme law of the universe: a mysterious law, that governs and orders everything, beginning with the lifeless atom, to the union of rational beings. All our actions and thoughts originate in this love, and to it they are drawn, as towards a divine center of irresistible attraction... Yoga is a path of knowledge, and in the same time, a path of love and loving. The asanas presented in the following may be performed before lovemaking as well, because they create an ineffable state of harmony between the two lovers. The perseverant practice of these asanas - as well as of those presented in our previous articles "Asanas of Happiness" will help you and your lover evolve spiritually, and lift your souls to reach the Supreme Ultimate Freedom, together with your beloved. The heart of this yoga practice is of course - LOVE. THE BICYCLE Lay back and bring your knees to your chest. Press your soles against your lover's soles. Support your weight on the lower back, as this makes your abdominal muscles work as well. Knit your fingers together and place them on the back of your neck. You may now begin pedaling. ![]() As soon as you found an appropriate rhythm for both of you, bring your opposite elbow to the rising knee, turning your torso slightly to it. Continue changing rising your knee and turning your torso into the opposite direction. Keep the abdominal muscles tight during the whole duration of this exercise, inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth each time you turn your torso. If possible, synchronize your breath with that of your lover. Perceive state of effervescence, spontaneous joy and dynamism. USTRASANA This asana helps you and your beloved experience a state of euphoria and empathy due to the harmony settled in between the will of your lover and your own will. Kneel face to face, close to one another. Hold each other's elbows and slightly bend towards the back, without tensing your neck muscles. Keep your knees at a 90-degree angle. ![]() FOCUS Perceive the free circulation of the energies through the arms and the activation of the solar plexus. Perceive also an inner state of euphoria and a greater impact of your couple. Perceive in the end the activation of Manipura chakra, in its most elevated aspects. TRIKONASANA (THE TRIANGLE POSE) Performed with your lover, Trikonasana may increase your mutual trust and confidence, and gives your relationship spiritual dynamism. Stand with your feet apart, with your back turned to that of your lover. Spread your legs so that the angled formed is of about 90-degree, and keep your soles parallel. Stretch your arms laterally, at the level of the shoulders, keeping your hands pressed against your lovers' palms. The left side Slowly lift your arms as follows: the woman her left arm, and the man his right arm, bending your torso laterally, towards the opposite side. ![]() Maintain this position and breathe calmly, and in the same time, if possible. Stay as close to one another as you can. Come out of this asana slowly and gently. FOCUS Focus to perceive the energy connecting you through your arms, and the activation of the energies through the spine. Perceive also the activation of Manipura chakra, self-confidence, and trust in your lover. The right side Slowly lift your arms as follows: the woman her right arm, and the man his left arm, bending your torso laterally, towards the opposite side. Maintain this position and breathe calmly, and in the same time, if possible. Stay as close to one another as you can. Come out of this asana slowly and gently. FOCUS Focus to perceive the energy connecting you through your arms, and the activation of the energies through the spine. Perceive also the activation of Manipura chakra, self-confidence, and trust in your lover.