Meditation Music
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T H E A S A N A S O F H A P P I N E S THE V LETTER A method for bringing more harmony into your couple is to perform the pose called "The V Letter". This pose takes the exploration of the intimacy and trust even further. Hold your lover's wrists and lean towards the back, trying to reach the position where you are balanced. Arch your back and come out of this pose real slowly. ![]() Focus on the energetic exchanges that occur through the arms. Perceive the activation of Swadhistana chakra, and the capacity of having highly erotic feelings. You may take this pose even further: hold your hands in the same way and then bend your knees. ![]() You will notice that the ability to be balanced by your lover is determined by the capacity each of you has to resonate with the other. The more you may maintain this pose, the greater is the harmony between the two of you. The practice of this pose will help you and your lover have highly erotic experiences. VRIKASANA (THE POSE OF THE TREE) Vrikasana will grant the couple that performs it perseveringly the capacity to focus with great love on high ideals. The two lovers will accede through their love to the superior mental level of the Universe. HOW TO PERFORM THIS ASANA The left side Stand next to your lover, leaving a distance of few centimeters between you. Place your arm around your lover's waist and set your sole on the floor so that you will have good balance. Your lover should do the same. Bend the knee that is in exterior (the woman will bend the right knee, and the man will bend the left knee) and place the sole on the inner part of the thigh. Place the palm opposite to the side where your lover is (the woman the right hand, and the man the left hand) on your lover's palm, keeping them up to the level of the chest (see the picture). Come out of this asana slowly. FOCUS On the left side: perceive the activation of Anahata chakra and Ajna chakra, simultaneously. The woman perceives the activation of the receptive aspect of Ajna chakra, and the man the emissive aspect of Ajna chakra. Perceive the state of love that embraces you as well as an enhanced capacity of mental focus. The right side Stand next to your lover, leaving distance of few centimeters between you. Place your arm around your lover's waist and set your sole on the floor so that you will have good balance. Your lover should do the same. Bend the knee that is in exterior (the woman will bend the left knee, and the man will bend the right knee) and place the sole on the inner part of the thigh. ![]() ![]() FOCUS On the left side: perceive the activation of Anahata chakra and Ajna chakra, simultaneously. The woman perceives the activation of the emissive aspect of Ajna chakra, and the man the receptive aspect of Ajna chakra. Perceive the state of love that embraces you as well as an enhanced capacity of mental focus.