Meditation Music
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P O L A R I T Y I S T H E K E Y I N ![]() ![]() It is simple because it is based on the universal law of attracting opposites, that is the positive and negative forces attract each other and are in a permanent interaction. It is true to the degree to which the two opposing poles of two simple magnets are attached to one another, or the protons and electrons dance and compose the atom. Yang is the fire, and Yin is the water. Man is the "fire", the woman is the "water". When the man makes love to a woman, he prepares the woman's "water" with his "fire". The profound orgasm constitutes a delicate balance of the sexual energies. The sexual life is dominated by the above-mentioned principle of polarities. It is, however important to understand that the two types of energy are inseparable, it is in fact one energy, manifested under complementary forms. They cannot exist one without the other, their interaction is "fluid", and they issue from one another. Therefore, if during the erotic act performed with continence, man and woman become aware of the play of the two polarities, they have the possibility of becoming one being only. ![]() The feeling of having a physical body disappears, all one feels now is a huge energy, vibrating as one with his/her lover. This is the profound, total orgasm of both body and soul. Many men have the intuition of these things, but those who are actually capable to expand and go deeply into these special states of the mind are quite few, because they usually lose their sexual energy through ejaculation. The true, profound orgasm appears when both the man and the woman vibrate in the same rhythm. Their sexual energy forms now a complete circuit, the two "opposing" poles being reunited. This circuit is represented by the Yin and Yang symbol, emerging from one another in a perfect eternal harmony. However, the flow of the sexual energy alone cannot lead anyone to spiritual achievements in the absence of love and an appropriate mental focus. The physical union alone is not sufficient, and therefore sex alone cannot make anybody happy. One other important aspect is that the ordinary orgasm, implying ejaculation, on which many men depend, restrains the sphere of experience and knowledge. ![]() ![]() There are couples that radiate all around profound happiness and love without practicing any esoteric methods of lovemaking. And there are couples that radiate even more love and happiness, live for a longer time, healthy and in harmony, because they have learned how to sublimate their sexual energy. Will they be just as radiant, enthusiastic and blissful when they reach old age? The secret techniques of the Oriental tradition will help them reach faster an advanced level of spiritual evolution. There is no limit as regards the depth and health one may get to through love.