Meditation Music
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T H E M Y S T E R Y O F T H E S U B T L E B O D Y ![]() ![]() The different subtle energies existent in the body generate a kind of subtle energetic field around the physical body, named aura, perceived only by people with paranormal capacities. The aura changes colour and shape according to the emotions and thoughts a man experiences; the colour and shape of an aura may vary according to the physical structure of that person. The aura is said to have the property to contract or dilate. For instance, a happy person has got a "vibrant aura", shining and radiant; the aura of a sad, angry person is contracted, constricted and tensed, according to his negative emotions. ![]() The existence of an "aural field" or "psi" energy around the human body is the foundation of a lot of theories, which attempt explain telepathy and other extrasenzorial phenomena. Andrija Puharich, in his book "Beyond telepathy", has proved biologically and physically the existence of the "psi" field of energy. The demonstration is, in fact, a synthesis of the Yogi and Shamanist learning and it relies on the most accurate observations of subtle fields of energy. In the Yogic treaty "Shiva Samhita" we find a clear explanation of the nature of the Subtle Body: "In this body, the Great Central Axe (which is Meru Mountain, i.e. the spine) is surrounded by seven islands (the vital force, blood, flesh, fat, bones, marrow and sperm/eggs). There are "rivers" and "seas" over there, as well as prophets, wise men, gods, goddesses, intelligent beings, all the stars and planets, the sacred places of pilgrimage, altars and guardian deities. ![]() ![]() In this body, called Brahmanda (Brahma's "egg" or "aura") we find an entire macrocosm and the "Moon" from which springs the divine nectar. It lies at the upper top of the spine facing down, allowing the nectar to spring night and day. The ambrosia of the "Moon" has two "branches", from a subtle point of view: the first nourishes the body and keeps it alive, descending through the left side of the spine, resembling the River Ganges. The other, shining as the purest milk, comes in through the right channel of the spine maintaining and refreshing the "Moon" placed on top of the Great Axe. The "Sun" is situated in the inferior region of the spine. From this inner "Sun", placed in the area of the navel, springs a subtle channel, which leads the solar (Yang) energy up, through the force itself of these rays, in the right side of the body. This channel on the right side is another form of the "Sun" and it goes through the entire body, uplifting the vital emanations and leading the soul to the Ultimate state of Freedom. The human body is made up of about a few hundred thousands of subtle channels, but of these, only 14 are of great importance. And of these 14, 3 are of utmost importance. They are: Ida (on the left side), Pingala (on the right side) and Sushumna (on the centre). ![]() Pingala is on the right side of the body and it "wraps" around Sushumna until it goes in through the left nostril. The one who gets to know the microcosm of the body mysteries will undoubtedly experience the highest state of conscience." All ancient Tantric works deal with the solar - lunar symbolism, with the "sun" situated in the area of the navel and the "moon" situated on the crown of the head. They all mention that there are 3 main subtle channels (Ida, Pingala and Sushumna). For instance, in Gheranda Samhita we find that, "The Sun is situated in the navel and the Moon at the root of the palatal arch." The subtle Body connects people to cosmic elements, a bridge between this world and the one beyond. |