Meditation Music
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T H E S U P E R I O R A N D I N F E R I O R ![]() ![]() The secret of the inferior gates lies in the contraction of the anal sphincters or in placing a finger or a part of the foot on the orifice so that to cover it (usually the heel). The secret of the superior gates refers to the closing (physically or mentally) of the orifices in the area of the head: mouth, nose, ears, eyes and fontanel. If the mouths of the two lovers are pressed one against the other, they block one the other. If the lovers look into each other's eyes, then the energies will circulate between them, without being dissipated. ![]() Yogi texts refer to a "mystical block", known as Yoni Mudra, described in GHERANDA SAMHITA as follows: "Block your ears with your thumbs, your eyes with your forefingers, your nostrils with your middle-fingers, the upper lip with your ring-fingers and the lower lip with your little fingers. Inhale the prana and unite it with the apana. Contemplate the Subtle Body as well as the Chakras." Though Yoni Mudra is not essential to those who form a couple, it can be adjusted to a sexual contact. What you have to keep in mind is that, while the ecstasy approaches, there will be the tendency to lose the energy. You can stop this by blocking your orifices. The best way to do that is to block the top of your lover's head with your hand while you strongly think it is a mystical initiation. Thus, the ecstatic moment can be prolonged and the mystical conscience will develop. ![]() ![]() The two lovers will confront with the mystical conscience of the goal of their lives and they will perceive wonderful visions through the third eye. It will help them realize that their spirits are unique. A common mystical vision, associated with sexual ecstasy, represents the Jewellery Island, an archetypal manifestation of the souls in harmony with each other. Such a vision can be developed and maintained by bringing the elements together. GHERANDA SAMHITA offers a wonderful technique of visualization in order to create the Island of Jewellery: "Close your eyes and imagine that there, in the zone of your hearts, there is an endless ocean of nectar. In the middle of this ocean there is an island of gems, the sand is made of diamonds, the rocks are emeralds and rubies and the mountains are sapphires. Imagine that there are trees all around that island. They are full of wonderful, nice smelling flowers. The Yogi will sit in the middle of this island and he will picture the presence of the Great Tree of Desire, with its four branches (symbolizing the four sacred Vedas and revealing antique pictures), filled with fruit and multicolour flowers. The bees are flying around this magnificent tree picking up the pollen. There are birds and animals all around. Imagine that there is a divine beauty under this tree. There are coloured lights, thousands of rays in ferric games, projecting on the sky, in the mind and in the heart. ![]() If the lovers are aware of the superior forces of their bodies during intercourse, then they will be able to stop their energies from flowing outside through these gates. "Death is overcome by those who make their energy flow inside their bodies. The natural flow of energy can be reversed through body positions, different "seals", reverse "orientation", controlling the breath and meditation." Kaula Tantra |