Meditation Music
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T A N T R A Y O G A A N D S E X O L O G Y ![]() ![]() According to the Tantric outlook, on the contrary, the sexuality is the furnace of the alchemic transformations of the energy, and consciousness , and of their expansion starting from the body, and especially beyond the body. Actually, TANTRA starts where the sexology stops; yet, this latter one often confronts us sometimes with facts, or orgastic experiences, which are strangely analogous with some of the statements from TANTRA YOGA. That is why, it has been deemed useful to begin the exposition of the facts of our course in a sexological manner, since this way is easier to understand by the Western mind, and doesn't take us too far from the truth as it is exposed by the Tantric texts. THE CURVE OF PLEASURE The sexologists define the orgasm in a non-poetic way, as a "trance, with loss of reality"; TANTRA says it is a blissful state of expansion of the consciousness, in which the usual limits of the selfish ego are suddenly cancelled, the tyranny of the mind is adjourned, and the subject falls in the vertigo of the voidness. For a short moment, one discovers amazed the abandonment, the death of the ego, the cancelling of the time, and the gushing of the Unity, which makes this condition identical with the metaphysical experience; therefore, in terms of TANTRA, often the Enlightment is even called "the cosmic orgasm". The process of the orgasm in a common sexual experience may be drawn as a curve that presents 4 phases: ![]() Phase 1: Excitation In the first stage, the preliminary sensuous games arise the desire, and generate the excitement. This is materialized through the erection in man, and the vaginal lubrication at women. Phase 2: Charging The sexual tension determines the enhancement of the breath-rhythm, pulse, blood-pressure.. These reactions generate a feeling of generalized tension/tonus. Phase 3: Orgasm The phase of orgasm is characterized by the loss of the ego. The excitation, before focused mostly in the genital area, begins now to spread in the entire body, rising towards the head. If there occurs a loss of conscious control - as it happens in the common case - at this moment, which is called "the point of no-return", there occurs a series of reflex contractions of all the muscles that surround the genital organs, and the anus (pelvic muscles, muscles of the perineum, anal sphincters, the pubeo-coccygeal muscle (PC-muscle), prostate for men, vaginal and uterine muscles for women, anus-lifting muscles, and so on). These contraction bring about the ejaculation at men, and the explosive loss of vaginal secretions at women, which may be deemed as a form of ejaculation. Phase 4: Resolution The body calms down, while the mental consciousness arises again. The sensations from the orgasmic stage may still persist for a time, as slight waves, or vibrations. Because of the huge loss of energy that occurs by the ejaculation, during this period any stimulation towards a new orgasm is impossible; this "refractory" period is longer in the case of men (5 minutes or more) than in that of women (from a few seconds to one hour). Actually, there are many women who - because of their great telluric potential - can have several repeated orgasms, if their partner doesn't wait for the complete resolution of this period for resuming the sexual play. There are certain emphasized differences of rhythm between the man and the woman, which make that the feminine orgasm has a rather implosive nature, while the masculine orgasm has an explosive one. Because of the differences of the time-factor (namely that men reach orgasm in shorter time than women do) it appears obviously that it is necessary for men to become able to control at will, delay, and eventually cancel their ejaculation. Actually it is precisely the ejaculation which makes the essential difference: at men, because of the explosive loss of substantial component parts, it generates a genuine "electric black out", a kind of loss of connection with the energy-source, that is followed by a false relaxation, which is actually merely the product of exhaustion. The women, by their nature, are much closer to the Tantric orgasm, a kind of 'orgasm without ejaculation', which may be prolonged for almost indefinite periods of time, and which is not manifest only in the genital area, but as vibratory waves in the entire being. It is interesting to note here that the macho-type men are those who want at all cost to ejaculate, and are most difficult to convince to control their sexual energy, while the more feminine ones (which does not mean those with aberrant, or pathological inversions) often prefer not to ejaculate, and to extend their orgasms.