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T A N T R A Y O G A A N D S E X O L O G Y The first categorization of the forms of orgasm (valid both for men and women) is: superficial orgasm and deep orgasm. ![]() THE SUPERFICIAL ORGASM is more a reflex, genital phenomenon, manifested by certain rhythmic contractions of the muscles of the perineum. In the case of women, they are unleashed by stimulations of the extra-vaginal erogenous areas, and especially the clitoris. It is associated with a stiffening of the muscles of the thighs and belly, with fear, psychic tension, a vigilant immobility, and the desperate attempt of reaching an orgasm. Often, it is accompanied by a sensation of pressing downwards with the muscles, like with a piston, which comes together with the impulse of discharging quickly, of pushing out something as fast as possible, almost like in the case of constipation. Actually, very often women who experience this kind of orgasm witness at the same time the discharging of gas from the intestines (expelling a flatus), or from the vagina (in case that there was any), and even of urine from the urethra. This form of orgasm is often associated with egoistic tendencies, and masturbation (for men also), and is very frequent nowadays. It is localized almost entirely at the level of the genital area, and therefore seems to be partial and incomplete; since it doesn't spread in the entire being, it often is unsatisfactory, and leaves behind a mood of frustration. THE DEEP ORGASM is a much more complete form of orgasm, associated in the case of women with deep vaginal stimulations, and which often may present aspects, such as: paroxysmic phases (cries, tears, cancelling of the breath), deep undulations of the vaginal and uterine muscles that spread in the entire body and even in the head, and a deep feeling of satisfaction and relaxation. This form of orgasm may depend to a great extent of the simultaneous stimulation of all the erogenous zones; thus it loses its genital character, and becomes spread in the entire body. The topic of erogenous zones, and the ways of massaging, and stimulating them will be approached in detail later. By the study of the other ways of classifying the forms of orgasm, it will become even more obvious why the deep forms of orgasm are those that lead - in TANTRA - at higher states of consciousness. There is one more way of classifying the forms of orgasm. It is connected with a certain hierarchic graduation, which corresponds to the three GUNA-s from YOGA - TAMAS, the blind, unconscious orgasm; RAJAS, the dynamic, passional orgasm; and SATTVA, the subtle, meditative orgasm, without ejaculation. Thus, the 5 forms of orgasm are: 1. THE CLITORIDIAN ORGASM, which is local, superficial, external, and gives a phoney feeling of security in the beginning, since it is connected with the idea that it doesn't depend on the other. According to TANTRA, it is connected with a predominance of the lunar energy, and therefore the beings that experience only this form of orgasm develop a large excess of lunar energy, with all the subsequent consequences. Also, it is connected with the energy of a secondary centre of force, which is called YONI CHAKRA, and it is quite hard to control. This form is nowadays very frequent at women, because there exists an unfortunate general trend in the so-called "sexual education", for warmly recommending it, but according to TANTRA that is a mistake. This form of orgasm may sometimes be connected with other forms of orgasm, like the vaginal one. ![]() THE VAGINAL ORGASM, has two distinct forms: 2.THE LOW VAGINAL ORGASM, is placed in the area of the perineum, at the entrance in the vagina, and which is still quite external, and incomplete, being connected with the energy of MULADHARA CHAKRA; its wild energy makes it still problematic in what concerns its control. 3.THE NORMAL (DEEP) VAGINAL ORGASM, which is connected with the energy of SVADHISHTHANA CHAKRA, and is already much more profound, complete, and satisfactory. According to TANTRA, it already shows a predominance of the solar energy, but unfortunately - because of the lack of proper instruction - most of the women fail for their entire life in reaching this form of orgasm. This form of orgasm, manifested by clear, powerful vaginal contractions, is often accompanied by a considerable discharging of sexual fluids; the orgasm brought about by the notorious "G-point" (G, after Graffenberg, the modern sexologist who allegedly re-discovered this age-old information) is also here included. 4.THE CERVICO-UTERINE ORGASM is the typically Tantric orgasm, though quite rare. When the vaginal stimulation, and contractions are strong and deep enough, they rise towards the cervix, and the womb, and transform in a series of long, soft vibrations, that spread in the entire body, and mostly upwards towards the head. This also becomes sometimes a kind of "out-of-the-body" orgasm, which eventually leads to forms of ecstasy, since its energy may be felt also outside the physical body, as a fluidic sphere. This orgasm can be controlled almost by itself, and opens the sexual energy from SVADHISHTHANA CHAKRA towards the higher CHAKRA-s. Sometimes, the release of this form of orgasm requires for women a sexual lover who possesses the necessary anatomical qualifications in what concerns the size of his sexual organs. Where these do not exist, there are possibilities both for changing the shape of the male sexual organs, and for tackling the most suitable sexual positions, that allow a deep penetration. Also, since this form of orgasm is largely subtle, the women can learn to produce it at will (this being valid also for the women who never felt it before), even without direct stimulation, by an adequate concentration. Here, the perfect control over the vaginal muscles will play a paramount part. All these topics will be gradually approached in our next articles, since it is most recommended that Tantric probationers manage eventually to reach this form of orgasm, which is the springboard for higher states of consciousness. 5.THE ANAL ORGASM proceeds from the fact that there are erogenous nerves in the area of the anus, which are especially sensitive in the case of some human beings; however, it has to be mentioned from the beginning that this information doesn't mean to provide any "Tantric" license for the male homosexuality. This form of orgasm proceeds from the internal massage of the anus, till the sacrum for women, and till the prostate for men. If this is achieved by anal sex, in the case of women, it requires a lot of relaxation, and confidence, at the beginning. The energies released by the anal orgasm are quite gross (MULADHARA CHAKRA, especially), and hard to control; Generally, it is advised for the beginners to avoid dealing with this form of orgasm (unless there already is a peculiar natural tendency towards it), since it is psychically connected with energies that have a very low frequency of vibration, and can therefore put one in touch with polluted psychical environments, or levels of consciousness; these psychical features are sometimes called "analism", in psychology. Although the discussion upon the forms of orgasm has been approached mostly from the women's standpoint (for reasons that have already been mentioned), the same shades are also valid for men. It is at the same time true that the topic is much more acute, and important for the women-probationers of TANTRA.