Meditation Music
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A B O U T C O N S C I O U S N E S S A N D ![]() ![]() Unlike the quantum physics, the classical physics cannot analyze consciousness and emotions, as is the case of quantum physics. Descartes considered the mind and body as totally separated. Newton's classical physics is based on Descartes thinking, describing the exterior world as perceived through the senses. It is a science of pure objectivity, and its shortcoming is that the consciousness is subjective through its nature and therefore out of the reach of classical physics. On the other hand, in modern physics, the concept of matter has changed. The duality corpuscle/wave indicates that any particle has an immaterial quantum state and this leads to the idea of body/mind duality. Just like the particle is inseparable from the wave, the mind and body form a whole. 4. Fundamental particles have a quantum component, immaterial and impossible to express in the terms of classical physics - the particle has a dual nature, both mental and material. The quantum state of a particle is non-material. It does not respect the laws of classical physics, it rather has a paradoxical nature, quite resembling to the laws governing the mental area. In the quantum state of a particle, it is not its material aspect that is most important, but the information. It is a reduction of the material to the pure, sheer information. ![]() Paradoxically, manifesting at the level of the quantum states of the matter, the consciousness does not have direct access to the objective, exterior, observable world. Bertrand Russell stated the fact that these states are always perceived at the quantum, "immaterial" level of the matter. With each observation it makes on these states, the consciousness induces/introduces an alteration. "Observing means altering" - and thus the consciousness has a double function, both observing and influencing the objective world. The sensations are transmitted to the consciousness through the "scanning" of the quantum states of the neurons in the brain, and in the same time it performs the transmission of the commands to the brain. The English Herbert Froelich (1960) proved the existence of Bose-Einstein condensates in the cellular walls, in the living matter; these may amplify and memorize the information. Inside the neurons, the BE condensates may influence the release of information, having a tremendously important role in neuronal intelligence. ![]() ![]() Let us have an experiment: assume that we have a 0-spin particle, which is divided in two particles, each of ½ spin. In this case, owing to the conservation law of the spin, if one particle has an upward spin, the other is forced to have a downward spin. Moreover, let us assume that we bring these particles at a great distance from one another. The quantum physics tells us that until we measure these particles, they will be in an over-position of possible states. When we measure one of them, the other is forced towards the opposite value - if one has upwards spin, the other has to have downward spin. Now follows the paradoxical part: how is it possible that one particle knows what happens to the other, despite the distance between them? We know that in this "objective" world, nothing may be transmitted with a speed greater than the speed of light. Nonetheless, we may see that the quantum information traveled instantaneously. This famous experiment, known as the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen experiment (in short, the EPR experiment), proves that the quantum information is not subject to the speed of light. The two quantum coupled particles communicate instantaneously to one another, regardless of the distance. ![]() Consequently, the consciousness perceived at this quantum level, transcends space and time and is not limited to the speed of light, as the rest of the phenomena that occur within the objective reality. The world of consciousness is free from the constraints of the material world. The thought is instantaneous, as it is not limited by the speed of light. |