Meditation Music
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A B O U T C O N S C I O U S N E S S A N D ![]() ![]() The brain is like a moneymarket hall, except that in this case there are billions of participants (the neurons) which communicate to each other in a simultaneous manner. However, we perceive conscious thought as a unitary process. On the other side, the consciousness is unitary and indissoluble; it can only focus on one thought, emotion or sensation on one time. How could this contradiction between the function of the brain and that of the consciousness be explained? The physicist Ian Marshall (1989) issued a theory according to which the quantum states present in neurons are in phase on the level of the whole brain - a quantum effect due to consciousness. This quantum connection of the neurons is capable of integrating the billions of elements in a unitary whole, to impose order and structure in chaos. The consciousness is not a propriety that results from the annexation of a great number of neurons in a complex network (as the partisans of the "emerging consciousness" sustain). On the contrary, the consciousness sustains and structures the brain in a coherent manner. The "magic" of the thought and feeling perceptions through the brain is ultimately due to the consciousness. 8. The mind creates the brain and not viceversa. ![]() The probability for the human body to take precisely this particular shape is the same with the probability for thousands of bricks thrown at chance to fall on the ground in the shape of a house. The English biologist Rupert Sheldrake issued the theory of the so-called "morphogenetic fields". It starts with the assumption that the mind is an essential reality as compared to the physical body or the brain. In the moment of birth, the mind creates a "form field" that moulds the development of the brain, and even of the whole human body. It is not logical to consider that a pile of bricks (the human cells) all by themselves may organize themselves in an exquisite "palace" (the human body), and all this through an accident. This is highly unlikely. On the other hand, the existence of form fields, the formative role, and the precedence of the mind over the body provide a much plausible explanation. These form fields were perceived for the first time in the study of the development of the fetus and underlined by various experiments. These experiments indicate the fact that on a certain level of the universe, the morphogenetic information corresponding to each species is transmitted to and from each member of that particular species, evolving in time. There is no part of the brain in control with body or mental functioning. If a section of the brain is removed, its role goes to the rest of the brain. Consequently, the function is not dependent on neurons, but the neurons are molded according to the function they have to play. The neurons are molded by the consciousness itself. ![]() ![]() Some physicists have gone even further with this assumption, suggesting that consciousness is an intrinsic phenomenon of the matter, fundamental in nature. The American Nick Herbert considered that the consciousness is ever present in the nature. In this theory, the mind is just as fundamental a concept as the elementary particles. The quantum properties that justify this presumption are: