Meditation Music
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R E S O N A N C E - F U N D A M E N T A L ![]() Resonance is a complex phenomenon, based on the resemblance between the two elements that resonate, on selection, and/or on harmonized movement (same vibration). Resonance knows different degrees: it may be strong (even until the two elements identify with one another) or, on the contrary, weak (simple analogy). The spatial perception of a resonance phenomenon is usually symmetry, and the temporal perception - simultaneity and synchronicity. The process of resonance may be homogeneous (the resonating elements belong to the same category: sounds, images, etc) or heterogenous (the complex interaction of the senses, for instance the perception of sounds as colors - colorful audition, or the perception of images as music - sound visualization). ![]() ![]() The process of resonance may occur naturally, spontaneously, unconscious or, on the contrary, provoked, searched for, and maintained through conscious attention. Tantrism says that because all beings, all things originate in the same source (The Absolute, God) they all have an essential common trait, that is the Individual Self (ATMAN), which is identical with The Source of all existence (PARAMATMAN). It is thus obvious that, as all things and beings are part of the creation, nothing can exist and not have this spark of Divine Consciousness. In the case of the human being, the main "channels" of resonance are the chakras, the seven centers of force. These centers of force allow the human being to experience different kinds of energies, as well as various levels of vibration and consciousness. ![]() ![]() A resonating system or element (in the case of the human being the seven chakras) resembles to an oscillatory circuit. Such an oscillatory circuit is made to vibrate if we act upon it with another oscillatory circuit, whose energy may be either equal to the previous (and in this case its vibrations will reach the highest intensity), or smaller (case in which its vibrations are not so strong). The various yoghic techniques represent precise modalities of establishing a process of resonance with different types of universal energies. the process of resonance eases the way in the understanding of the reason for which some people always succeed in what they have to do, while others obtain just insignificant results. ![]()