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T H E L A W O F R E S O N A N C E by Dinu Roman For the western mind, the language of yoga and other spiritual paths is many times difficult to decipher: the symbols and metaphors are a jungle where both initiates and (mostly) uninitiated ones are lost. ![]() ![]() In the light of Resonance, all metaphors and symbols immediately start to make sense, becoming in the same time a genuine door toward invisible realities. DEFINITION The Law of Resonance has a relational character, i.e. expresses the way in which two or more apparently different things or phenomena selectively communicate (are linked), being integrated into an unitary Whole. The links which unite all things in the Universe (physical objects, mental processes, psychic phenomena, spiritual levels, in other words everything manifested) have as basis the process of Resonance. The fundamental secret of yoga practice is to create and maintain a process of resonance, in other words a process of initiating and amplifying a vibratory response (a link) in a receiving system that is attuned to an emitting system. ![]() In yoga, the process of resonance is created and maintained mainly by permanently focused attentiveness (effortless mental concentration). During resonance, the cosmic frequencies (vibratory energies) that are continually emitted as cosmic waves by interstellar centres, galaxies or planets can be received by the correspondent foci of the human subtle body in the same way that a radio set can be tuned to different radio frequencies. During resonance, a transfer of subtle energy takes place, from the emitting source to the receiver. The received energy brings with it all the characteristics of the source, on multiple levels (physical patterns, specific energy, feelings, inner states, information, ideas, etc). YOGA AND RESONANCE What has yoga to do with resonance? Here's what: all yoga techniques (asanas, pranayama, meditation, etc.) are accurate modalities to create resonance with certain cosmic energies that are specific for that particular technique. The type of energy that a certain technique resonates with is revealed by a guru (and who knows that information through direct experience is a true guru!) when he gives initiation into that technique. ![]() ![]() Through this link (or resonance), the energy from the cosmic source is 'poured' into the practitioner's microcosm. The more that asana is effortlessly maintained with the necessary mental concentration, the more that type of energy is accumulated into his being. This is the reason all truly advanced yogin-s maintain asana-s, or meditate, or do pranayama, etc., for hours at a time (NOT recommended to beginners!). Therefore, yoga puts at our disposal not only an instrument for self knowledge, but also a large spectrum of tools to develop those areas of our being that are less developed, so that we become whole, complete beings. In the light of the Law of Resonance and due to their similitude, the phenomena, ideas, feelings, objects, energies, etc., are in agreement (consonance, concord), vibrate in unison (identity), evoke (summon) each other selectively through action at a distance. ![]() The basis of existence of resonance is the energetic and vibratory substratum of the Universe. Therefore, a first step in deeply understanding resonance is to ponder upon the fact that all physical, mental and spiritual phenomena are rooted into (are a result of) (develop from) a Unique Eternal Reality. |