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F U N D A M E N T A L E L E M E N T S O N T H E M A S T E R - D I S C I P L E by Gregorian Bivolaru
![]() ![]() So, just as a beginner climber would have to take an oath to himself that he/she would not leave his guide in the middle of the journey and if, despite better judgement he did so, he/she would have to take full responsibility and face the huge risks so has an authentic spiritual aspirant to do - otherwise the master-disciple relationship can never truly work. Because every GURU or spiritual guide leads his disciple on the path to Self revelation that best matches the disciple's qualities and his experience, it would be a stupid thing to take simultaneously the guidance of more GURUS at once - just as a climber could not climb the mountain with different guides and on different routes simultaneously - anyone can see this would be impossible. An analogy preferred by the yogis would be that of an eccentric traveler that wishes to "safely" cross the sea having each foot in a different boat. We cannot say we have a GURU until we are completely sure we found the right person, someone we are willing to follow unconditionally. Then we must be ready to apply with perseverance and dedication his teachings. Also, we cannot say we are true disciples until we follow with self-abnegation all he asks of us to do. ![]() These devotees often have a lack of trust and test their spiritual master and sometimes other masters at the same time, wasting time in their presence, mentally analyzing their behavior, character, teachings, gestures, etc. The true disciples are only those spiritual aspirants who are firmly engaged on the spiritual path and do not have the need to test their GURU for anything, allowing him to help and support and even test them when necessary. Once a true master-disciple relationship appears, the authentic spiritual journey towards Self revelation begins immediately, with no delay. During this journey both GURU and disciple have to take on serious personal responsibilities. Just as a mountain guide, the GURU pledges to take care of his disciple all the way, but, as we could never have expected the guide to carry the beginner climber on his back, we cannot expect the GURU to make the spiritual journey in the place of his disciple. The ascension, even if it is guided, assisted and even helped by the GURU still must rely on the personal effort of the disciple. The GURU always accompanies his disciple spiritually, energetically and telepathically all the way, step by step giving him/her advice, help and reminding him/her the right way. ONLY WHEN THE DISCIPLE IS TRULLY PREPARED the GURU will teach him/her the shortcuts, the useful techniques methods to easily surpass all the obstacles, will warn the disciple on the temptations he/she may be facing and will remove his/hers doubts and fears with the help of his spiritual powers and huge knowledge and personal experience. ![]() ![]() The only exception is the periodic SPIRITUAL EXEMPLIFICATIONS when we can benefit from his divine grace directly proportional with our degree of spiritual openness. Consequently it is entirely our responsibility to continue to walk up this path with no stopping and no detour, no matter what obstacles, difficulties or sufferings we face. The GURU never has the responsibility to pamper us and carry us "on his back", permanently, all the way, because the Divine objective of the spiritual ascension is not to become more and more dependent on our GURU but to become more and more independent and self sustained, as we evolve. After the disciple experiences a real spiritual evolution, he becomes AUTONOMOUS.