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F U N D A M E N T A L E L E M E N T S O N T H E M A S T E R - D I S C I P L E by Gregorian Bivolaru
![]() ![]() Even tough the spiritual guide is a selflessly and unconditionally looking after his disciples, he is always the one who gives guidance, help and commands and not the vice-versa. A disciple who gets angry because his GURU does not do what he wants or does not satisfy his aberrant wishes shows a monumental ignorance and egoism. Just as a mountain guide, even tough he is always at the disposition of his mountaineering student, he always leads the one who hires him, having better knowledge on how to get to the top of the mountain, so does the spiritual guide or GURU. In conclusion we have to have complete trust in our spiritual guide, his divine power to decide what is best, his wise inspiration and his selfless will to help us - only when we deserve his help. If for one reason or another, in the course of our spiritual journey, we decide to leave our GURU, have to accept right from the start the RISK of SPIRITUAL STAGNATION or involution, the risk that we might delay our spiritual evolution with millions of years and gradually yield to demoniac or even satanic temptations. What the benefit of the disciple from this relationship is obvious, but what is the benefit of the GURU or spiritual guide? From now on, our analogy of the GURU to the expert mountain guide ceases to function. ![]() Benefiting from limitless wealth in spirit, which includes an existence in a state of eternal beatitude accessible at his wish, he will never be tempted to lead us to the supreme knowledge for material or any other kind of rewards. His only reward is the divine ecstasy he experiences when one of his disciples reached the Self realization. Then the joy of God receiving one of his sons back flows and manifests in the GURU. The sacred texts show the single reason for which a perfect being, who reached a state of permanent unity with God or Shiva, would later assume the role of guiding us to a state identical to his own, is the Infinite Love and Divine Compassion of God. Only love can make possible the existence in this world of the perfect spiritual guides, otherwise we would never have had around us such beings capable of showing us the way towards Self liberation. Only the limitless compassion will make the GURU assume the role of spiritually guiding other people towards spiritual liberation. But what is that which such a compassionate and loving being expects as a reward for his invaluable help? The only "thing" the GURU permanently expects form us is that in turn we be perfect disciples, so that he can give us his love and guide us with God's help, full of compassion, towards our spiritual liberation as quick as possible. ![]() ![]() Never forget that although MANY feel called towards the goal of Self realization FEW are chosen. Most of them stumble, hesitate, calculate, stagnate, go astray, critic, allow themselves to be tempted, fall into doubt or let themselves be overcome by egoism. The CHOSEN ones are the few who are full of love, humble, patient, perseverant and finally, perhaps when they least expected or even lost hope, they suddenly reach the ABSOLUTE and are united in ecstasy with GOD. The biggest enemy of the mediocre disciple is himself, in fact, his EGO. Don't forget that "WHEN THE EGO COMES OUT, YOGA INSTANTLY COMES IN, AND WHEN THE EGO COMES IN, YOGA INSTANTLY COMES OUT".