Meditation Music
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T H E M Y S T E R I E S O F T H E Y O G I C by Gregorian Bivolaru
![]() ![]() In fact, all these are the expression of universal dualism and complementarity. The Yang and Yin aspects exist only on related to the other, they are inseparable, and the mysterious rhythm of the universe is the very rhythm of their alternance. The unity of the manifestation both in the macrocosm and in the microcosm of any human being gets polarized and determines the Yin and Yang aspects. This is the process of cosmic manifestation, split in two distinct halves. The Yang aspect is always manifested as energy moving in an anti-clock direction, and generates specific centripetal effects (centripetal force draws things towards the center). This force is equal and opposed to the centrifugal force, which is Yin. Consequently, we may say that a Yang spiral is an opened plane curve, described in an anti-clock sense, around a fixed point. The Yin aspect is manifested as energy rotating in the sense of the clock, and generates specific centrifugal effects. The centrifugal force is Yin and is equal and opposed to the centripetal Yang force. Consequently, a Yin spiral may be assimilated to an opened plane curve, revolving around a fixed position. The Yang spiral symbolizes the glorious return to the focal point from which the universe emanated and which is God. All ancient traditions present the symbol of the spiral, charged with multiple and profound significations. The Yang spiral expresses something deep, enigmatic, opened, sunny, masculine, luminous, dynamic, and optimistic. When starting from this focal point it is very easy to get to the origin, to the center of the spiral, from which all begin and in which all end. The Yang spiral evokes also the appearance of the centripetal circular motion. ![]() A highly beneficial discovery of our Yoga School is the formation of a yogic Yang spiral in which the people forming the spiral are arranged according to the twelve zodiacal signs, so that they benefit both of an afflux of Yang energy and of the specific energies of all zodiacal signs. This extraordinary discovery of our Yoga School has proved its value in a great number of opportunities, on a mass level as well as on an individual level. The beneficial effects of this yogic Yang meditation in spiral are best illustrated by the hundreds of eloquent confessions of the people who took part in such meditations tens of times. Each person may experience the state of Perfect Cosmic Being. In the following we will reveal the way to perform such a meditation in a Yang spiral. First of all, the participants group together according to the zodiacal signs. They form twenty-four rows: first row will contain all the men from the Aries, second row will contain all the women from the Aries, third row will contain all the men from the Taurus, forth row will contain all the women from Taurus and so on till the last sign. Then the rows of the yang spiral are made from 12 matches - mea and woman corresponding with each sign. So, each row of the spiral will contain a man and a woman from the Aries, then a man and a woman from the Taurus, followed by a couple from the Gemini, and so on until the Pisces. These rows will join hands and will form the spires of a Yang spiral. Holding hands in a Yang spiral has many implications, of which we mention: fluidic, empathic and even telepathic communion with all the participants in the spiral. This subtle state of resonance determines the assimilation of the Yang energy and of the subtle energies characteristic to all twelve zodiacal signs within the participants' auras. The characteristic energies of the twelve constellations are channeled through the successive rows of participants, men and women belonging to each sign. ![]() ![]() This presence of the other constellations (of course on an energetic, subtle level) adds to one's actual zodiacal sign (which brings also a specific type of energy) and this unity makes the participants have one of the most extraordinarily spiritual and elevated states of consciousness. Because to the processes of resonance we have just reminded, each participant in the spiral experiences an unique, paranormal and spiritual state, impressive through its spirituality, which enrich the participant's mind, and soul.