Meditation Music
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T H E M E N T A L C O N C E N T R A T I O N ![]() ![]() As much as we focus ourselves on our own sensations and experiences, they become in this way more and more refined; we start to perceive all the senses at once, without thinking about them in a mechanical way. Thus, the sensations will be totally perceived as if we listen a symphony of life. Feeling more and more often and profound the non-discursive experience of the sensations, we understand that we have this capacity and it is natural. Only the inner dialogue and the mental excitation interfere, hiding that direct and simultaneous ecstatic conscience of the all senses. At this step, the direct perception makes the pure subjectivity become identical with the pure objectivity and in this way there is no longer any difference between them, there is no longer any duality neither in perception, neither in sensation nor between the lovers. In this way the lovemaking gets an exceptional cosmic and spiritual value. ![]() We have to empathetically experience what the lover feels while we touch her/him with our hands, caressing her/him with love, or doing anything else that is mutual accepted by both lovers, feeling in this moment what she/he likes or not. We can feel the entire body, with all our body while we happily and lovely hug our lover, amplifying at maximum the intensity of the hug. As much as we concentrate more easily at the direct perception of the sensations, we will experience more various sensations in the entire body. In this way, we will be able to experience with an ecstatic happiness the active and passive aspects of the touch, feeling in the same time, every caress, every point of contact with the lover, every given or received caress. So we can feel what the lover experiences while we touch her/him. We will be surprised by the fact that we can perceive our lover's sensations through our own hands or other body parts. We can focus our attention either over the feeling experienced by the one that is touched, or over our feelings, or we can perceive both sensations in the same time. The active and the receptive touch are identical experiences in essence; moreover when the merging of the lovers is amplified. The way in which the lover feels when she/he is touched is not different from the sensation felt by us through our hand, because there is a communication that gives birth to the same language. The important element is to experience directly these states without saying, "it is soft, it is wet or hard" and by not letting any other comments, that can shadow the direct perception, interfere. ![]() ![]() The taste sense is very well harmonized with the touch sense and with the smelling. It is known that there is compatibility between the tastes of the lovers, and it is realized that this compatibility influences very much the sexual compatibility. The taste sense is connected with the subtle sexual centre of the human being - Swadisthana Chakra, and that is why the taste's compatibility of the lovers reflects their sexual compatibility; an amplifying of the tasting sensations immediately leads to awakening and accumulating sexual energy. ![]() Through the smell sense can be felt either by ourselves, or together with out lover, we will enchant our natural perfume together with the added perfume, taking also into account the perfume of the soap, of the shampoo, of the room and also the perfume of the air. It is important to know how to choose the perfumes and the essences that can accompany us in our erotic games, so that we can be magnetically attracted by the savour of our body smelling or of the smelling of the atmosphere created by us. ![]() ![]() The visual sense is also very important because the eye perceives in semi-darkness too, often even with more profound echoes in the human being- the colours, the forms, the clothes, the brightness and the reflection of the bodies, of the hair or of the ornaments. Often, during lovemaking the face becomes brighter being itself an expression of the happiness, of the generosity and of the ecstatic fulfilment. While we are watching, we let the images come to our eyes and we spontaneously abandon ourselves in perceiving all that is in our visual field, without identifying each thing. Our eye can be fixed anywhere it wants to. It is the case of staring (keeping the eyes open but without seeing) that constitute the magical and intimate frame of where we are making love. Then we can fix our eye over a detail, that becomes dear, important and saint, and at the end we will be back to the seeing of the all. Then we can focus our attention at something else, by spontaneously sending it the magnetism of our look. ![]() There is no limit in what we can create or feel during the erotic game. Each of these generates a sensation, a reaction, and an emotion that doesn't need a future description. The sounds emitted by each of them, the breathing, the laughter, the groan, the noise of the lips and the tongue, the voice music when there is something to be said, the love whispers, all of these can amplify the erotic desire and experience. We can feel the silent vibrations of our bodies that are hungrily touching each other as much as they are hugging full of love and harmony. In this way we become receptive to those pure, archetypal, divine sounds without needing to analyse their meaning. We simply hear them as a celestial music that brings happiness. In this way, we permit the sound to penetrate our ears without needing to comment on it.