Meditation Music
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M E D I T A T I O N A N D L O V E M A K I N G ![]() ![]() The ordinary, common vision of life, as we were accustomed to embrace comprises a broad range of discursive attitudes we might consider "normal." However, the Tantric eroticism proves that this kind of "inner discourse" has to be reduced at least to the level where it does not prevent, distort nor inhibit the emotional intimacy between the two lovers, as well as the access to the mystical experiences. Nevertheless, it is a fact of common knowledge that verbal communication and even language can spring from a non-discursive state of mind. The acts of speech, listening, reading and writing, even the soliloquy can be spontaneous, in which case they do not cause any interference or disturbance to the proper experience. The JNANA YOGA System, a cognitive form of meditation, which is the origin of the Zen System, introduces us to a method of spontaneous, natural use of language that we get into without a precise definite aim. For example, if we listen someone who's talking, we will understand clearer what he/she tells us if we don't use our discursive way of thinking, analyzing and labeling after each sentence we hear. Owing to this silent attitude of the mind, called RESERVATUS MENTIS, the perceptions are highly accurate, and one may get to sense even the most insignificant trifles. In order to achieve this mental state, Yogis concentrate on different areas of the body, on certain mantric sounds, or perform different positions according to the specific path they follow (HATHA YOGA, LAYA YOGA, JNANA YOGA, KUNDALINI YOGA etc.). The role of these exercises they practice is to calm and relax their mind. These exercises are also useful for tensed, stressed out people whose work implies the excessive use of the discursive, logical aspect of their minds, that is there occurs an overuse of the left part of the brain. However, if we get to think about these exercises, we will soon find out that them may easily appear sort of boring compared to the joy, passion, effervescence and intensity of the erotic game. And what wouldn't be boring compared to that? This is the most beautiful and transfiguring part of life. Eroticism has often proved to be the quickest, easiest and most natural way to reach mystical experiences and great spiritual achievements by people aware of what they do and of what they want. ![]() Mystical experiences occur because of a spontaneous and complete absorption of the consciousness and focus on each moment of the erotic fusion, casting away thoughts regarding future goals, sexual compatibility, or any other subjects which may come to your mind. Deliberate abandon in the erotic experience has as a direct effect mental stillness and the intense experience of the Yoga state. Oriental traditions are very clear when they say that a complete experience of one or even several sensations induces a state of mental relaxation, state in which both lovers may easily perceive the blissful state of pure love. Often this truth can be translated in different ways. Like Henri Maspero said, "For Taoists the place of the wisdom and the spirit is the heart and not the brain." Symbolically, the brain is the organ of language, theories and faith, and its use is obvious and beyond question, but at the same time, it does not have the qualities of the heart which is the organ of intuition and direct perception. The Taoists knew then, as we know now, that this distinction does not actually refer to the actual brain and heart, the organs, so to speak, but to two different ways of "thinking", conceiving and acting. The main feature of the Tantric approach to life and experience is, according to Eliade, the anti-ascetic and anti- speculative attitude, the full implication of senses without analyzing and labeling our feelings. This does not mean, however, that if we are to practice a Tantric exercise, or engage in a Tantric act of love, we will not know what we feel. Quite the opposite! Tantra has been called "the one who sets us free from Maya" and it is rightfully so! In this case, Maya is the illusion and the magic of words, language, concepts and speculations. Generally there is confusion between reality and the way it is described, between an area and its map, between food and menu etc. The menu has its value, but still it is not nourishing. ![]() ![]() The same way, the two lovers experience the ecstasy and there is union, a real communication issue, not symbolic or incomplete, but capable of going further to the superior fusion with the ultimate reality, to the state of Yoga.