Meditation Music
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M E D I T A T I O N A N D L O V E M A K I N G ![]() ![]() In fact, it truly is an active and creative act, which fulfils the being on multiple levels (physical, psychic, mental and spiritual as well). So, just like meditation, the act of making love without being involved in thoughts concerning the experience or any other things is what the Oriental tradition recommends in order to be able to reach a mystical experience in this manner. The fundamental key to succeed in transforming a common approach to sexuality into a mystical, elevated experience is to allow yourself to extricate your habitual thoughts during the sensual act of lovemaking. MEDITATION AND SEXUALITY The mental integration through sexuality in form of meditation is not different from specific yoga techniques. In fact, this approach should dictate our attitude in any kind of activity: eating, sleeping, breathing, cooking, walking, watching, making love, etc. It is also true that a meditative attitude attracts a lot of unbelievable results. In fact, when we limit the discursive thinking processes we give our latent subconscious capacities the possibility to fully manifest themselves. It gives our experiences great energy and at the same time a greater capacity to control this energies, not trough the rational mind, but through that super-conscious force, the expression of will and divine harmony reflected into the pure mirror of our consciousness, clear and untroubled by rational thinking, which is limiting, personal and egoistic. ![]() That is is also the reason for the great importance of another element - termed as transfiguration. This implies the active, real and creative belief in a certain "pattern" or divine archetype against the dark and shapeless background of the subconscious world. To be more clear, when being with or thinking about your lover (and you may extend the experience) see in him/her this divine archetype you have in your heart. To see the god or the goddess beyond the ordinary image of the one you love, to unite with what he/she has sublime, this is transfiguration. Such a relationship leads to an elevated world and helps us experience the erotic act in the form of meditation. Through transfiguration the human is endowed with divine virtues. ![]() ![]() In order to experience the spiritual ecstasy while we make love with sexual continence, traditional Oriental literature recommends that we eliminate our thoughts. Tantrism states that we have to open up to sexuality and approach it with "an empty mind", a state called "the absence of mind" or "the pure mind". This recommendation has often been interpreted the wrong way, ad literam. If one does not examine this statement intelligently, he/she might believe that people who have had mystical experiences suspend their mental activity in order to remain in that state where they shut up for the rest of the world and go away from life. However, the real sense of this recommendation is to stop a certain way of thinking, the rational, verbal, conceptual, theoretical one or in other words the one that evaluates and places things on a certain scale, with a certain label, based on logical representations. This way of thinking makes each experience, perception or sensation be immediately labeled, expressed through words and given a philosophical, moral, positive or negative sense. It is also associated with the left cerebral hemisphere and first it takes the form of an inner soliloquy. In fact this way of thinking (so specific to our contemporary times) is not encouraged by ancient mystical writings, which even contain methods to minimize it in order to reach a state of balance and harmony between the two sides of the brain, the left one, logical, rational, discursive and the right one, intuitive, creative and esthetical. When the intercourse practiced with sexual continence blocks the verbal way of thinking we become more conscious of what is really going on. We feel "we drink from the Fountain of Life". That's why Tantric tradition encourages us to live fully and directly any experience and thus to participate actively and creatively to the erotic fusion. ![]() Any superior integration of an experience implies a capacity to contract and keep in mind several aspects of a problem. It is a lot more valuable than to analyze it piece by piece, in time. The possibility to perceive reality on different levels, from a cosmic perspective, is obviously the attribute of a human with a superior level of consciousness, capable of viewing reality from different angles. Thus a thing or a phenomenon may be analyzed from a vital, creative, sexual, volitional, affective, intuitive, mental or spiritual point of view. Just like meditation, the erotic experience allows us to perceive things in a creative and intuitive way. Without describing each and every sensation and without thinking, "Oh, this feels good" or "I am in a very elevated state", we can freely enjoy our experiences. During the Tantric erotic game man and woman are open to sensations, they go deep into themselves and do not evaluate them, they just fully experience them. It is obvious that rational thinking remains integrated in the complex structure of such a state, but the mind is now capable of perceiving everything around without any kind of effort.