Meditation Music
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C H I N N A M A S T A The human being experiments only a small fraction of the infinite game of the divine light in the manifestation and precisely this fragment can be reflected and most of the times distorted through the limited capacities of perception of his or her senses. Therefore, the pleasure offered by the body and its senses is most times smaller than the pain, the suffering and the illness the people have to face during a lifetime. From this point of view, in which the yogi feels incarcerated in the prison of the senses and bodily desires, the Great Cosmic Power Chinnamasta appears as the Saviour from the slavery of the gross matter. In the ecstasy of the happiness she experiments all the time, the Great Cosmic Power Chinnamasta can drink all the blood that here expresses the joys and sufferings, the pain and the hopes of the earthly life, absorbing and sublimating the whole fragmented experience of time, with its disappointments and illusions. The Great Cosmic Power Chinnamasta does this extraordinary process of absorption and transformation of all that is ultimately ephemeral and illusory without forgetting her essentially divine nature, which is the very immuable and eternal nature of the Supreme Self Atman. Although the form under she appears to the mortals is terrible and frightening, the Great Cosmic Power Chinnamasta represents one of the beneficial and deeply transforming energies of the Macrocosm, and of the microcosm. THE GREAT COSMIC POWER CHINNAMASTA OFFERS US THE PERFECT DISCERNMENT There is a close correlation between Chinnamasta and Kali, in the sense that the Great Cosmic Power Chinnamasta represents from a certain perspective the concretisation of Kali's energy. She is also oriented towards the spiritual transformation of the sincere devotee at perfection. In this aspect of hers, Chinnamasta is name also Prachanda Chandika, identifying herself with the most terrible form of Kali, which is Chandi. On the other hand, her terrible aspect can also be correlated with the Great Cosmic Power Tripura Bhairavi as Chinnamasta is, just as Tripura Bhairavi a great fighter. Nonetheless, while Tripura Bhairavi resonates more with the tellurian fundamental energies, as her location is Muladhara Chakra, the Great Cosmic Power Chinnamasta resonates more with the dynamic subtle energies of air. From this point of view, we can say that the Great Cosmic Power Chinnamasta acts mainly in what we call the intermediary world, in that world that connects the transcendent aspect of the manifestation with the material one. Thus she represents the lightning that unifies the sky and the earth, which are analogically associated with the mind and the body of the human being. Her fundamental goal is to free the people from the limitations inherent to their condition of incarnate spirits. If Chandi (Kali's most terrific aspect) destroys the demons and satanic entities, the aspect of Prachanda Chandi of Chinnamasta destroys the last and most important enemy of spirituality - the ego. From another perspective, the Great Cosmic Power Chinnamasta is identified with Indrani, the feminine counterpart of the great Vedic god Indra and the greatest and most important of all goddesses. Indrani is also named Vairochani, "the very brilliant", "the one who radiates powerfully", just as Durga the terrible goddess who is described in the same manner. The Great Cosmic Power Chinnamasta is particularly named Vajra Vairochani, meaning "the who that is brilliant and holds the thunder in her arm". As we already know, the thunder is Indra's weapon and is the very reason for which Indra is considered the diamante god, personification of the instantaneous spiritual enlightening.