Meditation Music
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C H I N N A M A S T A THE GREAT COSMIC POWER CHINNAMASTA - THE THUNDER OF THE INSTANTANEOUS SPIRITUAL ENLIGHTENMENT As force or terrible power of the great god Indra, Chinnamasta represents the electrifying energy of our subconscious depths (Vidyut Shakti), energy that acts on all levels of the creation. In the physical material world, the electric energy, electricity, represents only one of the forms of this colossal transforming power that is Chinnamasta. On a mental level, she acts as energy determining the correct understanding of the essential reality, determining also the instantaneous spiritual enlightenment. As we mentioned in our previous articles on this topic, Kali acts generally in the direction of the devotee's spiritual transformation. The Great Cosmic Power Chinnamasta represents the same force, which is nonetheless directed towards the immediate, "thundering" transformation of the yogi. Consequently, the Great Cosmic Power Chinnamasta is in a way the bright lightning of the instantaneous spiritual intuition that destroys and casts away for good the veil of ignorance, opening up the path towards the supreme spiritual freedom. This attribute that the Great Cosmic Power Chinnamasta manifests as a distinctive note of her terrible "divine personality" represents in fact the capacity of direct perception, pure vision that goes beyond any veil of ignorance and limited perception revealing the uniqueness of the infinite divine consciousness that is beyond name and form. THE GREAT COSMIC POWER CHINNAMASTA GRANTS THE PURE VISION OF THE REALITY Consequently, the Great Cosmic Power Chinnamasta is the colossal power of the spiritual inner vision, which sacrifices in the fire of the pure knowledge all objects belonging to the manifested world, including the body of the person performing this act of perfect knowledge. Therefore, in the tradition of the Hindu spirituality, the Great Cosmic Power Chinnamasta represents Atma-yajna, meaning the self-sacrifice, manifested when someone offers one's own being with great honesty to the Divine, through an act called "the sacrifice of the mind", in order to life fully in the unity of the divine consciousness. This fundamental characteristic of the Great Cosmic Power Chinnamasta represents also, through extrapolation, the very aspect of pralaya, the destruction or resorbtion of the world and the entire creation in the Holy Heart of the Absolute. Metaphorically speaking, the Great Cosmic Power Chinnamasta is the head that chews on the entire body, being thus the power of destruction and transformation of the manifested reality into the non-manifested, original reality. In the yogic spiritual tradition it is said that the Great Cosmic Power Chinnamasta achieves this remarkable "transformation of the state" through the piercing of the subtle blockage from the level of Ajna charka, allowing the yogi to transcend simultaneously his or her mind and body-awareness. This characteristic action is at the same time a direct indication of the fact that the Great Cosmic Power Chinnamasta represents also the unobstructed flux of the subtle energy circulating through Sushumna Nadi, the central energetic channel of the human being. Thus, the Great Cosmic Power Chinnamasta is associated with the awakening and ascension of the gigantic cosmic force, Kundalini Shakti through Sushumna Nadi, from the base of the spine, from Muladhara Chakra, up to Sahasrara Chakra representing in this hypostasis the Divine Path of the Vedic gods, or Vedayana. This divine path refers practically at the movement and circulation of the subtle prana through Sushumna Nadi, towards the realm of "pure transcendence", symbolized by the sun. The yogic spiritual tradition asserts that in order to evolve spiritually and to avoid the karma-ic accumulation, it is imperative that the yogi focuses his or her energy on Sushumna Nadi, as this nadi is correlated with the the reality of the transcendent void, which is formless. This condition cannot be achieved unless the yogi obtains the pure and correct vision of the fundamental reality of things.