Meditation Music
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C H I N N A M A S T A At the time of death, the individual consciousness of the people who know all these things and who have practiced assiduously during their lifetime will come out of their body through Brahmarandra, the crown of the head, dissolving thus in the Supreme Source, which is God's universal consciousness. However, if this knowledge and ability to focus on Sushumna nadi was not gained until the moment of death, then the consciousness of this person will come out of the body through a different nadi, and it will be integrated in one of the countless worlds of the manifestation, according to the level of vibration and spiritual evolution. Therefore, the yogis worship with great frenzy the Great Cosmic Power Chinnamasta as the sacred goddess of transformation, acting mainly on the level of the third eye, determining thus the transcendence of the hidden vision of the world. THE EGOLESS IN LOVE YOGINI The Great Cosmic Power Chinnamasta is also considered to be yoga shakti, meaning the terrible force of action of the yogic power, which made possible the association with Vajra Yogini and Para Dakini - the first and most important dakini - of the Tibetan tradition, the goddess that offers the sincere and devoted practitioner the greatest paranormal capacities. At the level of the energetic structure, the Great Cosmic Power Chinnamasta acts mainly on Ajna Chakra, opening the third eye and symbolizing the light that offers the essential direct perception of the surrounding reality, that casts away the ignorance inherent to duality. Due to her association with the ascendant prana-ic flux of energy through susumna Nadi, the Great Cosmic Power Chinnamasta is also correlated with udana vayu, the subtle energy causing the ascension of Kundalini Shakti and the deep transformation of the human being. Nonetheless, the Great Cosmic Power Chinnamasta manifests at all levels when the yogi achieves an act of perception that goes beyond the normal condition. From the point of view of the iconographical representations, the Great Cosmic Power Chinnamasta is represented as nude, and headless. In her two hands she holds her own head and a sword. The decapitated head drinks from the blood coming out of her open throat. Traditionally, the head is held in the right hand, and the sword in the left. Her body is that of a 16 years old girl. She wears a necklace made of human bones and a garland of human skulls. The Great Cosmic Power Chinnamasta wears the sacred belt around her hips, and her breasts have the shape of lightning, being adorned with flowers and a single jewel attached to a snake in the area of the crown of the head. The goddess has three open eyes that radiate plenty of light. On her sides there are two other goddesses, whose names are Dakini and Varini. The Great Cosmic Power Chinnamasta dances over the bodies of Kama, the god of love and his wife, Rati. In some traditional representations, in their places are Krishna and Radha. This iconographical representation of the Great Cosmic Power Chinnamasta from the Hindu tradition is practically identical with thtat of the great goddess Vajra Dakini from the tradition of the Tibetan Tantric Buddhism. There are in fact three streams of blood coming out from Chinnamasta's throat: a central stream that she herself drinks, and two other placed on the left and on the right sides of this central stream, signifying the subtle energies from ida nadi and pingala nadi, and which are drunk by the two goddesses Dakini and Varini. The couple of gods lying at her feet symbolizes the union of the masculine and the feminine energies of the human psychic. Chinnamasta's cut head represents the consciousness that was freed from the various limitations of the body and of the mind, while her lightning-shaped hair and radiant eyes are symbols of the direct perception of God's Absolute Consciousness. On the other hand, the sword she holds in her left hand signifies the discernment (viveka) and the goddess's tongue symbolizes the colossal power of the divine logos, or of the mantra-s. as her representation is difficult to be rendered as a sculpture, the Great Cosmic Power Chinnamasta is most often represented as we described her in drawing or paintings.