Meditation Music
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S P O N T A N E I T Y A N D L O V E M A K I N G WHAT IS SPIRITUAL LOVEMAKING? The most important aspect of spontaneity, the one offering the chance to our transformation is the fact that if we manage not to program our experiences, they will manifest freely, without effort, even for the couples for whom sexuality has been regarded with despise, and foolishly scorned, ignored or simply inexistent. Even a person lacking sensitivity, or who has been under a lot of stress and pressure can still perceive an inner capacity of making love in a natural manner, playfully, erotically. This capacity exists in all of us, and it is our great chance to transform us, therefore spiritual sexuality is even more pleasant than the ordinary one. There are no rules, initiations and abilities one needs to acquire, or without which one cannot evolve. This capacity and consciousness exists in each of us, all we need to do is to awake it and pay attention to it. Thus, we understand that we can do anything, with spontaneity, allowing these beautiful experiences to rise from inside and to case away all preconceived ideas, unnatural rules, or habits. Thus, we can truly discover that WE ARE. SHIVA AND SHAKTI For some people, this experience is so unusual, that it may generate fear. In fact, to float on this sacred path of love equals with embarking on a mysterious and spiritual adventure. Thus, not only that we feel pleasure through sexual excitement, but also we gain a deeper understanding of our relationship with the universe. The relationship we have with our lover is enriched with the greatness of the embrace of the male principle with the feminine principle. Thus, through spontaneous transfiguration we understand that our rhythm and embrace coincide with the rhythm and embrace of the whole universe, that our yearning and quest are in fact Shiva and Shakti’s quests. This elevating expansion helps us understand ourselves for the better, to understand our lover better and better, to discover over and over the miracle and mystery of our relationship and to see new horizons opening up before our eyes through each gesture we make. All this game, this spiritual elevation is in itself the most precious gift of all spiritual paths that involve also eroticism. However, lifting one’s consciousness on higher and higher levels should be done keeping one’s joy and sexual pleasure intact, because this experience is the source and the basis of all these transformations. Thus, the above and the below become united, as the above needs the below and vice versa. Spontaneity, love, giving, happiness, and transfiguration are the keys in uniting the two apparently opposing poles: sexuality and spirituality. The manner to do this cannot be described. This spontaneity is God’s grace.