Meditation Music
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T E C H N I Q U E S F O R G E T T I N G A Usually, the erection appears during foreplay or while the man awaits the sexual intercourse. However, the tensions, age, and other psychic factors make it difficult sometimes to have an erection. Therefore, we introduce to you the causes that generate this fact and the possibilities to fight it, according to the oriental art of lovemaking. First, it is highly recommendable that after the man has had an orgasm (preferably without ejaculation) he does not hurry towards a new erection. The process of gaining another erection should be slow, and lacking any kind of stress, with the help of the woman. The union of the two lovers through the sexual act performed with sexual continence makes it imperious the fulfillment of two apparently opposing conditions: on one hand, maintaining a strong erection, which supposes an intense erotic stimulation, and on the other hand avoiding ejaculation precisely because of this intense stimulation. In order to "live" with both these conditions, we have to know that the sexual play depends on three distinct nervous groups:
It is equally important that we know a few aspects connected to the phenomenon of the erection: there are two fundamental types of erections: 1. Nocturnal or morning erections, which are purely reflex 2.Erections caused by erotic stimulation, either directly or through dreams. The first type of erection interest us in particularly because it bring light in two cases at least: first there is an older couple with the man no longer at his best performances, and the second the "phoney impotence" in which most men blame their lack of potency on some physical problems. However, excepting some very rare and exceptional cases, every night, every man has at least five full erections, since his adolescence. The German researchers quoted by doctor Sherman J. Siber in his book: "The Male", have studied great numbers of men in their sleep and determined that a man's penis gets tough for 25 minutes at an interval of 84 minutes, during an Rapid Eye Movement phase, consequently during a dream. If the subject is awakened, he remembers the content of his dream. Moreover, it has been proven that the nocturnal erections are not connected to the content of the dream, which most of the times had nothing erotic about it. Thus, with some "erectile" math we realize that by the age of 75, an average penis was "up" 33.000 hours - this is about four years, four months, four weeks, leaving aside the leap years. Knowing the fact that the erection depends on the parasympathetic nervous system, whose role is also to slow the breath and heartbeats, as well as to dilate the blood vessels, and that the ejaculation depends on the sympathetic nervous system, one may easily notice that impotence and premature ejaculation have one thing in common: the over-excitation of the sympathetic nervous system due to anxiety. Here's a classic situation: the man meets a new partner whom he desires greatly. The thinks fearful: "if only I were up to the task". The fear of a humiliating failure is over-exciting his sympathetic nervous system. The result: his heart beats like crazy, the breath is rapid and superficial, processes that inhibit the action of his "opponent", the parasympathetic nervous system, in charge with the erection. Then, despite all the efforts of the disconcerted seducer, the result will be totally disappointing. Alternatively, maybe even worse, he will ejaculate before entering the woman. The experimented woman may save the day calming and helping her partner relax. Once his sympathetic nervous system relaxed the breath deep and regular, the parasympathetic system takes over and will open the gates towards the erotic paradise.