Meditation Music
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S Q U E E Z I N G - A S E C R E T T O A V O I D ![]() ![]() This makes possible to experience the erotic pleasures unlimited and it was used in the Ancient times in China, Japan, and India. The method was rediscovered and emphasized by American sex - specialists William Masters and Virginia Johnson. They used it in the early ejaculation treatment. But let's get to the point. Squeezing makes intercourse last longer If you try to learn more things about penis you will be able to feel erotic sensations more intense and longer, and plus, fully controlled. The penis, the man's main erogenous zone, is extremely sensitive to touching and caressing by nature. And yet it has a lot of mysteries. Some places are even more sensitive than others. The delicate vibrations on the penis' glans, the pinching of the urinary orifice, the touching of the region between the anus and the sex, the gentle massage of the testicles, they all are secrets of the Oriental art of loving. The Japanese discovered in these not only pleasure points, but also healing and emotional tenses removing points, through acupressure, reflexology and squeezing. The "squeezing" technique is very valuable, being accessible to every couple that wants to control the sexual energy because of its simplicity. It is possible that during this method to appear a certain erection diminishing. But it is not a problem, because everything will be back to normal after you take again the intercourse. Remedy for early ejaculation and in the same time a method for practising the sexual continence Squeezing is an exercise that has to be realized gradually, first during manual and maybe oral caresses. Once the control is obtained, the technique can be applied during intercourse. Thus the penetration will be gradual, slow at first. The method also supposes a constant mental realization of the sensations that precede ejaculation. It is useful to men who have precocious ejaculation and to those who want to improve their erotic performances. Squeezing can be done in different ways. There are also many points on the penis that can be stimulated successfully. The ones situated on the penis' garland are the most suited to be pressed. Some sex -specialists think that it is best to be squeezed the entire penis' glans, between the thumb and the index. This kind of squeezing was used in India in the Ancient times. As a matter of fact the firm pressure on the base of the penis, between anus and scrotum, is the most efficient way of stopping ejaculation. Now, let me introduce you this ancient method for locking the seminal emission: ![]() Three Fingers Method of seminal retention has been practiced in China for more than five thousand years. It is so easy and simple that anyone can learn it quickly and with considerable effectiveness. Three Fingers Squeezing involves essentially this: When the man feels that he gets close to the ejaculatory orgasm he has to press the mid-point between the anus and the scrotum with the three longest fingers of the right hand. This seals in the fluids and much energy. THE PRACTICE: 1. Locate the point:Apply the pressure at the mid-point between anus and scrotum. This point, which lies at the very bottom of the trunk, represents the physical projection of the MULADHARA CHAKRA that is a "door" through which vital energy enters and leaves the body. 2. Apply pressure: Apply pressure neither too hard or too light. The proper amount of force must be found with experience. Generally speaking, the stronger the finger tips, the less pressure needs to be applied to halt the fluid. 3. Use three fingers: The passage through which the semen travels tends to slide away from one finger. Two fingers can't hold the tube and block it at the same time. The man has to use the second and forth fingers to press both sides of the urethra and anchor it in place. Then the middle finger presses directly on the urethra itself, which doesn't slip away because it is pinned on both sides by the other two fingers. The fingers should be curved slightly. The middle finger is a little more bowed than the other two in order to provide a solid, even wall through which the fluid can't pass. 4. Timing: As soon as you feel the inevitability of ejaculation, apply the "three fingers" squeezing. If you wait too long, no force can stop the flow of seminal fluid. When you know that ejaculation is imminent, apply the fingers. The locking should be applied before, during and after the contractions. Lock until you are certain that the pumping has ceased completely. Of course that you will ask me: "What happen with the semen in this case? The locking of the ejaculation could produce me any harm?" Well, let me amswer at your questions: The net result of locking in the semen is that much fluids flows back to the reservoirs from which it came. There is no harm whatever done to the bodily organs, for the tissues in this region are highly elastic and accept the fluid which returns when you reverse the flow. It might seems that the seminal reservoir can't hold fluid beyond a maximum level. This would be true if the male reproductive system were a simple hose and tank. This it is not. When the seminal fluid riches a high level, several things happen: 1. Production of sperm automatically declines. This saves the energy and materials needed to produce the nutritionally-rich sperm. 2. There is a natural tendency for the body to reabsorb the seminal fluid. 3. By using some simple physical exercises or by doing special meditations (all these methods will be presented in our site) the liquid sperm will be transmuted and the resulted energy will be sublimated into a higher energy state. For example, after a succesfully locking of the seminal flowing the man could practices some Hatha Yoga postures in order to sublimate the seminal power up to the higher vital centres (chakra-s), thereby reducing pressure in the lower sperm ducts and prostate gland. The divided urination technique Your body transforms any sexual inhibitions and repressions into involuntary contractions of the genitals. Starting from this point, from this observation, specialists went back and realized that because of the de - tensioning and obtaining the control over the inferior belly muscles and of genitals, there is a certain enrichment of sex and mental life. The Taoists considered that the one who can control his urinary potential has control also on his sexual potential. Here it is a method very simple and efficient that will help you improve your ejaculation control. This method consists in divided urination, meaning in urination with very short jets, with a couple of seconds pause in between. The pause should be long enough to stop the urination completely. At first jets especially there will be thrills that you will feel, most of them up your spine. They are nothing else but a manifestation of the transmuted sexual energy. A variant of this method is the so-called short urination retention. When we need to urinate we will relax the urinary sphincters, then contract them immediately, firmly, before the urine leaves the bladder. This method requires a very good control and should be practiced at first only in the bathroom. There is no need to push and this technique should be realized gradually. It is very efficient and it can turn the usual urination process into a part of our training, in order to obtain control and harmonize the sexual energy, to maintain a state of perfect health and vigour. |